Yes, if you have a bar for example you want to animate between 0 and a variable value you can make a null object. I use a quad with no material or an event object something like that and animate it from 0 to 1 on X (or any value) over the duration I wish, for example 30 frames and then I can put whatever curve I want on that.
Then you use visual logic to connect that object property to the bar size I wish to affect.
The it will animate as I wish.
Simon Redmile
Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
Ross Video
Bristol United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2024 15:44
From: Nathaniel Hay
Subject: Visual Logic to drive keyframes?
Yea, could you explain that null object thing more?
Nathaniel Hay
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2024 09:46
From: Simon Redmile
Subject: Visual Logic to drive keyframes?
I use a null object and use that to keyframe things via VL, it can work in some cases. I can explain better if interested.
You can to eases in script by using TCB keyframe type.
Simon Redmile
Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
Ross Video
Bristol United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2024 08:41
From: Nathaniel Hay
Subject: Visual Logic to drive keyframes?
Hi all, I am looking to do something similar to this, and I do need the bezier splines in the animation. I have a group of items that needs to animate up, but have a different ending Y position based on a few variables that visual logic is able to use to determine what the final Y value should be. I don't know how to get the scene director to animate based on this and have acceleration/bezier splines.
Nathaniel Hay
Original Message:
Sent: 04-19-2019 20:04
From: Jens Jensen
Subject: Visual Logic to drive keyframes?
I just realised the version doesn't matter.
Well, you cannot set keyframes in VL. I would have done this in VB, as it would be simple there (of course, because I know VB pretty well). But there is a workaround, though it is a little complicated.
What you have to do is to make a numeric Value in which you enter the duration you want. Then you take a Divide and put the BoundingboxHeight in Base and the Value in Divisor. Then you take the output of the Divide and multiply this with the SceneDirector.Position. You also need to check if the position on the SceneDirector is higher than the length of the animation, in which case it just needs to take the Boundingbox Height. This is done with a Smaller Than, that goes into an Input Selector. In the Input Selector you put the Boundingbox Height into [0] and the output of the multiply into [1], and then the output of the Input Selector to the Y-Pos of the textobject. That should work.
You can put in an Offset after the BoundingboxHeight (before the Divide) if it needs to animate farther than the height, or after the Input Selector if you need to adjust the position.
If you need acceleration (Bezier-splines) it gets very complicated, but still can be done. I recently did this as an example for some training. But if the text just have to roll into and out of the screen, the written above should do.