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Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

  • 1.  Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 05-31-2021 12:29
    Hello !

    I'm trying to find the easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.
    I found this parameter :

    ogscript.debug(params.getParam("ultrix", 'types.statusByDestination.inputstatus', 28).getValue());​

    Problem is, whatever the index i'm choosing, Dashboard return "0". Even if i've got signal presence on Ultrix corresponding to these index.

    Question ; 
    - Is index starting from 0 or from 1 ?
    - Am i missing something ?
    - Is there a guide that lists all parameters we can find in the API ?

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT : I'm currently using the :
    params.getParam(ultrix, 'params.frameslots.' + src_frameslot + '.ports.' + src_port +'.signal_presence', 0).getValue();​

    But it's kind of a pain to match frameslots and ports correctly... Especially because inputs starts at 16 to 31, and it's another command for AUX port, ... It would be much easier for me just to use the Ultrix' database index.


    Guillaume HANOCQ

  • 2.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 05-31-2021 13:08
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    Hi Guillaume

    the parameter you are looking for is "params.frameslots.0.ports.16.video_signal"  this is for the inputs of slot 1 port 1 and gives you the status as well as the format of the signal. 
    the parameter "params.frameslots.0.ports.0.video_signal"  Gives you the status of the output of slot 1 port 1 

    They are all slot/port numbered and resolve to the physical configuration so they are not associated to the Ultrix database. 
    I don't think we have any documentation for the API, I'll ask the team to see if they have anything, 

    Here is an example of a status panel I created for my 2RU ultrix. 
    When you Unzip it and open it in Dashboard make sure you change the data Source to the IP address of your Ultrix. 

    Hope this helps.

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video


    zip   1 KB 1 version

  • 3.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 06-01-2021 03:30
    Hello Mike,

    Thank you for your answer.
    I think i'll create a JSON file that maps database index with sources and destinations ports / frameslots.

    One last question related to aux ports and this parameter : params.frameslots.0.aux_ports.0.video_signal
    • frameslot.0 = first slot in Ultrix (here, flex slot).
    • but for aux_ports.0 = is it the AUX A IN 1 or AUX A OUT 1 ? What about AUX B IN and OUT ?

    What would be the rights parameters to get AUX IN and OUT ports ?

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Guillaume HANOCQ

  • 4.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 06-02-2021 15:10
    Hi Guillaume

    params.frameslots.0.aux_port.0.ports.0.video_signal (Slot 1 aux A in 1)
    params.frameslots.0.aux_port.0.ports.1.video_signal (Slot 1 aux A out 1)
    params.frameslots.0.aux_port.1.ports.0.video_signal (Slot 1 aux B  in 1)
    params.frameslots.0.aux_port.1.ports.1.video_signal (Slot 1 aux B out 1)

    If you create a blank dashboard page and assign the "data source" to your Ultrix, creating  "Default params" button on your page and double clicking on it you will see all of the parameters that the Ultrix offers. 

    In this screnshot I filtered for the word "frameslot" and all of the relevant parameters are presented.

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 5.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 06-03-2021 09:57
    Hi Mike,

    Thanks, i've got all my infos now.
    It's really appreciated!

    Have a great day.

    Guillaume HANOCQ

  • 6.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 12-01-2022 00:09

    Hi Mike! Can I jump in on this and double check if this is still the case, in that there's no easy way of getting the database source/dest names in a similar fashion? 
    Thanks Simon

    Simon Dargaville

  • 7.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 12-02-2022 10:30
    Hi Simon,

    The source and destination names are available in the same manner as the status of the signals. 
    you can also get the source and destination names through GV native and Probell protocols.

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 8.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 06-18-2024 17:17

    Hi Mike,

    I'm trying to use the Ultrix API "get crosspoint source" to highlight which source is currently routed to a desination. I haven't been able to get any result. I must be missing something. Is there any setup needed for this to work either on the Ultrix or Dashboard? I noticed when I try this I see this in the Ultrix  > System Status > Logs > System Log tab:

    buildroot user.err syslog: virtual int TslEthernet::connectToServer() connect error: Connection refused

    Also, is there  a way to get doccumentation ont the Ultrix API?


    Dean Deutscher
    Broadcast Engineer

  • 9.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 06-20-2024 14:48

    Hi Dean,

    There is no documentation for the Ultrix OGP api, it is constantly changing and evolvng. The only way to see what is available is by connection to your ultrix Directly. 

    When creating your custom page click on the params button and draw a box in your page

    Type in the work input and you will see "Crosspoint status at destination"

    Each of them represent a Level of the router. 0 is Video, 1 is Audio 1 2 is audio 2 etc. 

    Selecting input status 0 of destination 0 (0 based) is the name of the source routed to destination 1. 

    Selecting "Include parameter name will give you the text "input status" that you can change with the destination name. 

    here is my final result. 

    this is the OGP API function we are using. 


    Hope this helps!

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 10.  RE: Easiest way to retrieve source statuts through Ultrix Dashboard API.

    Posted 12-09-2024 11:51

    Would this also work for querying Tally status? We are already have tally setup for our Multiviews. Can that Tally data be access through this process as well?

    Seth Haberman
    Associate Director of Live Broadcast Video
    Gateway Church
    United States