I think this is what you are asking for. The place you have to start off is by making your Layouts as a Source in the Ultrix. See attached Picture Below.
Now that you have a Layout source to take for your Multi Viewer, you can make your Salvo! The next Picture shows how you can take your newly made source and put it into the Multivewer. (The top row is the source that you just made for your different layouts)
Michael Fisher
Sr. Production Automation Director
Original Message:
Sent: 01-15-2025 14:01
From: David Shulkin
Subject: Ultriscape - Head Selection Layout Recall with Salvo?
Newbie here with utlrix & ultriscape. For the life of me I can't seem to find this in the manual or figure it out - is there a way for me to recall with an Ultrix Salvo an Ultriscape Head selection? Example. We have a few MV layouts depending on the production. And I have a salvo to route to the pips based on the layout (which differ from show type- eg: sports, news, talk, etc.). I want to be able to call the head and routing salvo with one button push - is it possible or am I totally missing something?
Thanks for any insight and suggestions on the best method to make this easier for our production team.
David Shulkin