Hi Dave,
I've attached an example panel snippet below making use of ogScript to send a GET request and receive the response.
To read the response, a callback function needs to be added as an argument to the HTTP ASync Message block:
The callback function is defined here:
From the callback, the response text is parsed into JSON. From the JSON object, you can then read the desired value.
Example Panel:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><abs contexttype="opengear" gridsize="20" id="_top" keepalive="false">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="ResponseText" oid="responseText" stateless="true" type="STRING" value="" widget="multiline-text"/>
<button buttontype="push" height="140" left="20" name="Send HTTP GET Request" top="40" width="180">
<task tasktype="ogscript">function myCallback(responseText) {
/*-arg responseText: { "type": "STRING", "widget": "text", "value": ""} -*/
var parsedResponse = "";
var requestedValue = "";
/*! block id=1010,1007,1013,1014,1016,1015,1016 !*/
if ( responseText != null) { parsedResponse = JSON.parse(responseText);
requestedValue = parsedResponse.origin; ogscript.debug( requestedValue); params.setValue('responseText', 0, requestedValue) } else { }
<block id="1010" type="if" x="283" y="10" w="268" INPUT1="ID:1007" OPERATION="does not equal" INPUT2="null" TRUE="ID:1013" FALSE="" IGNORE="" />
<block id="1007" type="responseText_String_variable" x="10" y="10" w="243" color="#404040" SET="" />
<block id="1013" type="customcode" x="854" y="60" w="343" CODE="parsedResponse = JSON.parse(responseText);&amp;#10;requestedValue = parsedResponse.origin;" next="ID:1014" />
<block id="1014" type="ogscript_debug" x="854" y="204" w="243" MESSAGE="ID:1016" next="ID:1015" />
<block id="1016" type="requestedValue_String_variable" x="581" y="204" w="243" color="#ee862a" SET="" />
<block id="1015" type="param_setvalue" x="854" y="276" w="318" PARAM="[root, Params for Community%20Help.grid, Not In Menu, ResponseText (responseText)]" PARAM_DATA="_top&amp;responseText[0]" VALUE="ID:1016" />
<block id="1016" type="requestedValue_String_variable" x="581" y="204" w="243" color="#ee862a" SET="" />
/*! block id=1006 !*/
ogscript.asyncHTTP("https://httpbin.org/get", "GET", "application/json", null, myCallback);
<block id="1006" type="ogscript_async" x="176" y="108" w="318" URL="https://httpbin.org/get" METHOD="GET" TYPE="application/json" DATA="null" CALLBACK="myCallback" />
<param editable="false" expand="true" height="240" left="20" oid="responseText" showlabel="false" top="260" width="320"/>
<label height="40" left="20" name="Response:" style="txt-align:west;" top="220" width="180"/>
Hopefully this helps, please let me know if you have any further questions!
Michael Quach
Original Message:
Sent: 06-11-2024 13:03
From: Dave Kennedy
Subject: API GET Commands
I'm having trouble with API Get commands, Id like to use the response from the command to replace text in order to display status of external equipment within my custom touchpanel, I am able to het the commands to work from postman, but having no success within dashboard.
Dave Kennedy