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  • 1.  Autumn cleaning !

    Posted 10-22-2024 13:59

    Hello everyone, 

    Autumn comes with red leaves, cold weather and for us cleaning. 

    After a very hard season, we have accumulted a lot of dust in our dear Ultrix FR5. By removing the front door we can see that fans are full of dust and there are some which are not accessible. Do you have a tip or a trick to clean all this dust and prevent fans from malfunctions? 




    Boris salhaji
    France Télévisions

  • 2.  RE: Autumn cleaning !

    Posted 10-24-2024 09:16

    Hi Boris, 

    Thanks for your question. 

    Here is a link to a document that explains how to remove the Fan modules on an FR5. you can clean the fans once removed. 

    Also, if you have access to the side of the FR5 you can run a vacuum cleaner on the outside of the frame where the ventilation holes are. This will remove most of the dust. 

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 3.  RE: Autumn cleaning !

    Posted 10-29-2024 07:02

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the tips !

    Let's go for the vacuum ! 

    Just a review regarding the fans... We really do like the functionnalities of the Ultrix and the Hyperconverged philosophy. But if we need to point one fault it is the fan noise. Ultrix, Xpression as well, are very noisy. As we are in flight pack setup it is sometimes quite ennoying.

    by the way thank you for your help !


    Boris salhaji
    France Télévisions