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  • 1.  Change font based on Textobject

    Posted 11-18-2024 10:25
    I'm looking to see if anyone might be able to help me figure out how to change a text object throughout multiple scenes based on the theme on my setup scene. 
    I have a setup scene. 
    TextObjectTheme = "City"
    I'm looking to change the font on text object on multiple scenes. 
    TextObjectName = HEADLINE 
    Change HEADLINE to font style namedCity
    Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.

    Eric Rodriguez

  • 2.  RE: Change font based on Textobject

    Posted 11-18-2024 11:21

    I haven't done this, so I'm spitballing. Looking at the SDK,

    Dim txtObj as xpTextObject
    txtObj.TextWithTags("{theFont}" & txtObj.Text)

    There is also "TextWithTags" in Visual Logic.

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 3.  RE: Change font based on Textobject

    Posted 11-18-2024 11:41

    Thank you I'll give this a shot. 
