we have 2 td2s panels and are using the ClipPlayer to roll video clips from the switcher.
The "issue" that we have run into is that "Roll Clip" MUST be enabled on both panels instead of just on our "primary".
Scenario that DOESN'T work:
- director 1 previews ClipPlayer (with RollClip enabled)
- director 2 previews ClipPlayer (with RollClip DISABLED)
- director 2 cuts FIRST
- Director 1 cuts SECOND
- the clip will NOT start playing since the switcher thinks that the ClipPlayer is "LIVE" already. (from director 2)
The workaround is to have BOTH panels enable Roll Clip. But, then it is dependent on whichever director cuts first.
Is there a way to alter this behavior and specify that the MAIN panel is the "master" to detect when Rollclip should roll? (ie. ignore "LIVE" state of ClipPlayer on SAT1 panel)
Darryl Quinn
Video Director
Woodlands Church