Dig deep.
Check visual logic to see if it is using the data to find the images.
Also check to see there is any VB that might be setting the images.
A naming convention was probably used. Follow the code and you should find the location.
Also, double check your materials and the image folder relative to your project. Images might be there.
Son of Cthulhu
Original Message:
Sent: 07-31-2024 14:11
From: Roman Uglehus
Subject: Connecting Updated IMS Images (specifically updated team logos) to Excel Sheet
I am wondering how to connect updated logos to an excel sheet. In this case I am using Xpression, Data Linq and Excel spreadsheets. I work in college athletics and the logo for the away team has an updated version but the excel file that has all the information for the away team is pulling the old logo from a previous IMS images folder. On the Logos section of the spreadsheet I see the team names but not where the logos are pulling from
Roman Uglehus
Assistant Director of Video Operations
Western Carolina University Athletics