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  • 1.  Creating a custom widget for use with device parameters

    Posted 08-02-2024 11:12

    Is it possible to create a custom widget for use with device parameters directly?


    <param oid="0x2" widget="my_custom_widget"/>

    If so, what parameters must I create in the descriptor?



    Simon Liddicott
    Systems Engineer

  • 2.  RE: Creating a custom widget for use with device parameters

    Posted 08-05-2024 08:48

    Hi Simon, 

    What do you want the widget to do? - have you created a parameter to see if there isn't a built-in widget that achieves the same?

    Best regards, 


    Richard Crutwell
    Ross Video UK

  • 3.  RE: Creating a custom widget for use with device parameters

    Posted 08-05-2024 09:27

    Thanks for your response. It sounds like the answer for now is no. That's not a major problem, I can find other ways of working.

    These are only examples of how it could be used:

    Translating text based device parameters - eg. You could create a widget that acts like a read only label but replaces english terms with a local language.
    Setting default colours for the coloured dot - eg. If used with GPO set a default colour for 'ON' and 'off'

    Simon Liddicott
    Systems Engineer

  • 4.  RE: Creating a custom widget for use with device parameters

    Posted 08-05-2024 09:45

    Good news is Dashboard does have widgets/parameters that display and manipulate text/strings (example 1) and Alarm coloured dots (example 2). Bad news is that both examples require additional input/output functions, external functions to translate text and GPO status functions to update alarm dot.

    Here are some example parameters (without the functions behind them).

    <abs contexttype="opengear" id="_top" keepalive="false">
             <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Alarm Dot" oid="alarm.dot" type="STRING" value="Good&lt;#00FF00&gt;" widget="dot"/>
             <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Translate Entry Text" oid="translator" type="STRING" value="Submit Text to Translate here (goes nowhere without a function/api)" widget="default"/>
       <param oid="0x2" widget="my_custom_widget"/>
       <param expand="true" height="149" left="47" oid="0x2" showlabel="false" top="257" width="243"/>
       <abs height="127" left="44" top="36" width="656">
          <param expand="true" height="39" left="20" oid="alarm.dot" showlabel="false" top="23" width="215"/>
          <param expand="true" height="39" left="22" oid="translator" showlabel="false" top="68" width="615"/>

    Richard Crutwell
    Ross Video UK

  • 5.  RE: Creating a custom widget for use with device parameters

    Posted 08-05-2024 09:53

    Yeah - but for this to work I have to mirror the device status - I can't attach the widget directly to the device parameter.

    Simon Liddicott
    Systems Engineer

  • 6.  RE: Creating a custom widget for use with device parameters

    Posted 08-05-2024 10:01

    You are correct, you'd mirror the status with a local parameter unless this parameter is directly available in Dashboard. The parameters of any device are accessible in Dashboard only if it can be added into the device tree. These devices include Ross products, OpenGear and others. Beyond adding them within the tree an api call or protocol message (dependent on device) may be used but it is always best practice to mirror with a local parameter. Is there a specific product you have in mind to use with Dashboard?

    Richard Crutwell
    Ross Video UK

  • 7.  RE: Creating a custom widget for use with device parameters

    Posted 08-05-2024 10:13

    Hi Richard

    I'm talking about getting parameters from devices in the tree - and using custom widgets to display those parameters in this way:

    <param oid="0x2" widget="my_custom_widget"/>

    It sounds like that isn't possible - and thats fine. I understand there are other ways to mirror and manipulate the appearance of the parameter.

    Thanks for your help.

    Simon Liddicott
    Systems Engineer