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  • 1.  Cube Faces - Holding Data w/ Transition Logic

    Posted 11-05-2024 11:52

    Hi all,

    I've been fighting with this one for a bit, so hoping to get some input from the community. Basically, I have a lower third template that animates by rotating from one face to the next. The text that is on each face is being pulled in via an Excel Sheet. Here's a video of what I'm hoping to get this to look like: L3 Test

    The issue I am having is that when I advance from one scene to the next, the data on the face immediately updates. Is there a way to "hold" the old text on the face that is animating out, while the new data is visible on the face that is animating in? 

    Jake Zink
    Live Production Coordinator
    Madison, WI United States

  • 2.  RE: Cube Faces - Holding Data w/ Transition Logic

    Posted 11-05-2024 14:49

    What you'll need to do is animate the visibility in and out of the quads as well. 

    So on your out you'll need to keyframe the bg and text objects etc to be visible and then invisible at say frame 10 wherever your cut point is and the on the in key frame the other way around so invisible and then visible.

    Start by trying 1 of the test objects and see if that works and then if it does you can replicate it across the project. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: Cube Faces - Holding Data w/ Transition Logic

    Posted 11-06-2024 04:12
      |   view attached

    Hi, All.
    Jake see the attached project.
    How it works  in the project: there is a hidden text object that receives the  data. The Scene Director has script events in which the text from the hidden  text object is passed to each visible text object before it appears on the face .

    Roman Yaroshenko
    chief specialist
    Moscow Russian Federation


    Test_110624.xpf   19 KB 1 version

  • 4.  RE: Cube Faces - Holding Data w/ Transition Logic

    Posted 11-08-2024 23:13

    Simon & Roman,

    Thank you both for the suggestions! This worked great. Thank you again.

    Jake Zink
    Live Production Coordinator
    Madison, WI United States