Hi Timothy,
You may need to find out if the triple play device accepts POST or GET requests. Additionally, it may require additional arguments like headers.
Here is an example of making a GET request with setting the content type header.
var requestURL = "yourRequestURL.com"
var headers = {}
headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
ogscript.asyncHTTP(requestURL, "GET", headers , null, null);
Thank you,
Aury R.
Aury Rukazana
Senior Software Developer
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 05-20-2024 23:42
From: Timothy Jones
Subject: Dashboard Triple triggers
Hey trying to have a button for posting url to trigger triple play (i.p. signage) Trying to use http post doesn't seem to work. Has anyone tried?
Timothy Jones
Broadcast manager/eic
Minnesota Timberwolves