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Dashboard visual logic question

  • 1.  Dashboard visual logic question

    Posted 25 days ago

    I'm trying to learn & use dashboard 9.12's visual logic and have hit a roadblock. I've looked at dashboard u, read through a bunch of forum messages but can't figure out what I'm missing. Full disclosure, coding isn't a strength of mine, but I'm pretty familiar with XPression visual logic so was hoping I could use dashboard's VL & make cool pages.

    I'm trying to read a file using visual logic based on this example: https://rossvideo.community/discussion/read-and-display-text-from-file-in-dashboard

    If I go in & change the ogscript manually, I can get the example to work. But using visual logic, I can't figure out how to replicate the read & display text to a parameter. 

    This screenshot is a close as I can get with visual logic to the ogscript example. Any place I can get guidance on what I'm missing in visual logic? Thanks


    visual logic in dashboard

    Jay Cofield
    University of Montevallo- Dept of Comm