Hello all,
Was wondering if anyone has run into this before.... I have a Dashboard that's writing to an XML file, and everything is mostly fine. I enjoy that data modification is saved back automatically vs being saved to the dashboard file itself. My only problem is that randomly the XML file will stop updating. There doesn't seem to be any time period or action that causes it to break, and I don't believe there to be a memory leak as I'm using virtually no memory in the app. When it does do this, closing Dashboard updates the file one more time, so nothing is technically "lost". A quick restart fixes it. When this happens, the UI doesn't become sluggish or anything, everything acts normal, it just doesn't write to the file anymore.
So, my questions are, has anyone seen this before? If so, what typically causes it? And if it does happen, is it possible to kick it back into gear without restart?
I will say these dashboards started their lives in version 8.5.1 and never had this issue. When moving to 9.xx is when this started happening.
Thanks again!
David Bachman