If the 1 is a string and not a integer yes the quotes will work however you could still return 2 matching strings in which case I think XPression would still get confused about which one and even if it does return one of them how would you be sure which one it is returning.
Do you know have a specific column you can check rather than searching for all for example;
I really would also recommend not connecting to sheets and instead make a table.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-15-2024 21:02
From: Zachary Fradette
Subject: Datalinq Excel Query and Xpression Designer 11.5
Just curious what the settings are for that ADODB datalinq on that machine; it's possible that the true value of the cell in the excel sheet might be the character 1, as opposed to a number 1. I believe there's a setting for the connection string that's "IMEX=1" that could be appended. I would check to make sure that the connection strings for both Datalinqs look similar.
If so, I would be curious if saying
SELECT * FROM [Competitor Results$] WHERE position="1"
would work. Note the quotes " surrounding the data (telling the Excel sheet to look for text instead of specifically a number)
Zachary Fradette
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-15-2024 09:26
From: Karim Lakehal
Subject: Datalinq Excel Query and Xpression Designer 11.5
Hi Simon,
I was more like wondering why the command : SELECT * FROM [Competitor Results$] works fine in both Xpression 9.5 and 11.5
when the following command : SELECT * FROM [Competitor Results$] where position = 1 works fine on a computer with Xpression 9.5 but not on my computer running Xpression 11.5
Could it be my computer or something ?
Karim Lakehal
Paris France
Original Message:
Sent: 07-15-2024 08:35
From: Simon Redmile
Subject: Datalinq Excel Query and Xpression Designer 11.5
I would recommend not looking through all of a sheet, it's better to make tables and look through those instead, checking the entire sheet can cause issues.
Do you have multiple items which results = 1 in the sheet?
Are you sure the value is an integer, have you tried checking if as a string?
Would it not be better to look for a specific result rather than looking for "all" I am pretty sure XPression won't like it if it finds multiple 1's
Simon Redmile
Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
Ross Video
Bristol United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 07-15-2024 05:18
From: Karim Lakehal
Subject: Datalinq Excel Query and Xpression Designer 11.5
I'm working with an Excel file and Datalinq.
The following command : SELECT * FROM [Competitor Results$] works fine in both Xpression 9.5 and 11.5
But the following command : SELECT * FROM [Competitor Results$] where position = 1 works fine in Xpression 9.5 but not in Xpression 11.5
Any suggestions
Karim Lakehal
Paris France