Ah cool, pleased you found a simple solution. I noticed you are connect to sheets for your table here, I mentioned somewhere its better to build tables in excel when working with XPression.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-13-2024 07:20
From: Karim Lakehal
Subject: Datalinq Key Increment
Hi Simon,
The <%ROW%+1> option is exactly what I wanted to achieve.
So I can keep on going with <%ROW%+2>, <%ROW%+3> and so on.
Karim Lakehal
Paris France
Original Message:
Sent: 07-13-2024 06:58
From: Simon Redmile
Subject: Datalinq Key Increment
This isn't exactly what you want but it may point you in the right direction, this is to increment a keyframe on a scene director.
On Scene Director event
dim keys as xpDatalinqKeys
dim key as xpDatalinqKey
keys.GetKeyByName("datakey", key)
key.asString = cInt(key.AsString) + 2
Simon Redmile
Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
Ross Video
Bristol United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 07-12-2024 17:44
From: Karim Lakehal
Subject: Datalinq Key Increment
Hi Zachary,
Thanks for your help. Works fine for me.
Karim Lakehal
Paris France
Original Message:
Sent: 07-11-2024 19:02
From: Zachary Fradette
Subject: Datalinq Key Increment
Hi Karim!
This is off the top of my head, but what happens if you make the Row for your datalinq:
with the <>'s? That might do what you want it to.
Zachary Fradette
United States
Original Message:
Sent: 07-11-2024 16:44
From: Karim Lakehal
Subject: Datalinq Key Increment
I'm using a Dynamic Material with material path : "E:\MyProject\Pictures\FLAGS\@TextFLAG1@_flag.png
with @TextFLAG1@ pointing to the Text Object TextFLAG1
TextFLAG1 has a Datalinq as Data Source with a Datalinq Key macro %ROW% applied to the row section.
I want TextFLAG2 to be Datalinq Key + 1, TextFLAG3 Datalinq Key + 2 and so on.
Karim Lakehal
Paris France