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  • 1.  Football Play Clock Script

    Posted 22 days ago

    I currently am trying to write a script that plays a scene director whenever a datalinq hits ":05" and anytime above that, it plays out a different scene director. It would also be nice if that animation could pause when the timer pauses, but it's definitely not necessary. This is where I'm at so far:

    dim PlayClockRed, PlayClockReset as xpSceneDirector
    scene.GetSceneDirectorByName("PlayClockRed", PlayClockRed)
    scene.GetSceneDirectorByName("PlayClockReset", PlayClockReset)
    if text = ":05" then
    PlayClockRed.playrange(0, PlayClockRed.duration)
    end if
    if text = ":00" then
    end if

    This code works once and then doesn't play it out again without taking the scene offline and putting it back on. Anyone have any ideas?

    John Spitznagel
    Video Production Engineer
    Elon University

  • 2.  RE: Football Play Clock Script

    Posted 20 days ago

    Hey John! It looks like you're not setting the PlayClockRed scene director back to the beginning, only the PlayClockReset scene director. You can use PlayClockRed.Position(0) or PlayClockRed.PlayRange(0,0).

    Additionally, I find it better to reset the scene directors when text="40" or text="25" since the play clock might not always hit 0, but it will always reset to one of those numbers. (Also note that I have my red background visibility animating on frame 1 of the scene director, which is how I avoid using two scene directors)

    dim sd as xpSceneDirector
    scene.GetSceneDirectorByName("PLAYCLOCK COUNTDOWN",sd)
    if text="40" OR text="25" then
    else if text="5" then
    end if

    Having the animation stop is a little more difficult. A quick and easy way would be to set ranges for each second under 5. This is built for a 59.94 system and my animation is 360 frames long. Example below.

    dim sd as xpSceneDirector
    scene.GetSceneDirectorByName("PLAYCLOCK COUNTDOWN",sd)
    if text="40" OR text="25" then
    else if text=5 then
    else if text=4 then
    else if text=3 then
    else if text=2 then
    else if text=1 then
    else if text=0 then
    end if

    Hope this helps! 

    Brishen Thompson
    Demonstration Artist & Trainer - Generalist
    Ross Video