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  • 1.  How To Suppress Error

    Posted 12-05-2024 16:25

    Using Xpression version 9.5

    I like to make utility functions when some task needs to be done again and again. In this case I am enabling/disabling tracks in scene directors.

    However, when I try to access a track that doesn't exist, xpDbgMon.exe throws an alert box/notification. 

    This is the function:

    Sub SetTrack(SDir as xpSceneDirector, Name as String, OnOff as Boolean)
      Dim Track as xpSceneDirectorTrack
        'Do Nothing
      End Try
    End Sub

    I thought the Try/Catch would suppress the message. I would also hope an error like this would show in the log. It doesn't.

    I initially used the following but I got the alerts.

    Sub SetTrack(SDir as xpSceneDirector, Name as String, OnOff as Boolean)
      Dim Track as xpSceneDirectorTrack
      If SDir.GetTrackByName(Name,Track) Then
      End If
    End Sub

    I solved the problem by adding an empty track with the missing name in the offending scene director. But I thought the way I was writing the code would suppress the alerts.

    Any thoughts?

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 2.  RE: How To Suppress Error

    Posted 12-06-2024 04:26


    First check SDir.TrackExistsByName(Name). If this results in False, skip the rest because the track is not there. If it results in true do the SDir.GetTrackByName(Name,Track).

    Gerard de Vries
    Solution Architect Live Graphics & Virtual Production
    The Netherlands

  • 3.  RE: How To Suppress Error

    Posted 12-06-2024 09:25

    OMG. I looked at the SDK over and over and didn't see it. Now that you've pointed it out ... it's right there screaming at me.

    Thank you!

    Son of Cthulhu