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  • 1.  Launch dashboard in fullscreen

    Posted 02-15-2023 03:46

    Hello, I would like dashboard to launch in full screen on our control laptop so that the panel renders correctly and also to avoid unwanted menu interactions. I found this response from a thread in 2017

    "Finally, as of DashBoard 8.3.1, you can also add -fullscreen true to your DashBoard shortcut to launch DashBoard in fullscreen mode."

    What exactly does this mean? What shortcut is this referring to? Is this still the best way?


  • 2.  RE: Launch dashboard in fullscreen

    Posted 04-14-2023 17:00

    Hi Sam
    Yes, this launcher argument is still the best way to do this (particularly if you are running Windows or Linux).
    For Windows, you can create a shortcut to DashBoard and add the additional arguments that way.  You could also edit the DashBoard.ini file to do this (but this is overwritten each time you upgrade to a new version).

    James Peltzer
    Ross Video

  • 3.  RE: Launch dashboard in fullscreen

    Posted 29 days ago

    for anyone else that has this issue, I also used the same method to get my dashboard OUT of Fullscreen, my laptop for some reason or another wouldn't send the SHIFT+F11 shortcut to get out of full screen (I enabled Fullscreen via the menu)

    restarting dashboard would remember the setting, so I used the above method with -false and fixed the issue.

    Tom Wilson
    Demo & Training - Solutions, Oceania
    Ross Video