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  • 1.  Motion of objects arranged by rank in visual logic

    Posted 09-10-2024 16:13


    Our team is working on an election graphics project.  We're trying to make a graphic that displays vote results in order by rank.  I have watched the Xpression U video on the subject of using the sort selector in visual logic to control object position:

    What we would like to do is have the object groups move from position to position live on air with smooth motion.  For example:  If party A is in 3rd place but gets more votes and then moves to 1st place, can the party A object group be moved smoothly on-air from 3rd place to 1st place, and the other parties would rearrange accordingly as well.

    Any suggestions or examples would be helpful. Vote info will be provided via datalinq.

    Many thanks!

    Dave Ringer
    Senior Broadcast Operator
    Legislative Assembly of Ontario

  • 2.  RE: Motion of objects arranged by rank in visual logic

    Posted 09-11-2024 02:06

    Hi Dave.
    Check out this thread.

    I posted a project there, I think it will help you. I'm ready to help

    Roman Yaroshenko
    chief specialist
    Moscow Russian Federation

  • 3.  RE: Motion of objects arranged by rank in visual logic

    Posted 09-12-2024 15:30

    Many thanks Roman

    Dave Ringer
    Senior Broadcast Operator
    Legislative Assembly of Ontario

  • 4.  RE: Motion of objects arranged by rank in visual logic

    Posted 09-13-2024 04:55

    Very Helpful. and interesting things to learn from that.

    [Wajahat] [Ali]
    [Team Lead] [RTG Designer]
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