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  • 1.  Need a little help with a simple script. (helping out a fellow designer)

    Posted 24 days ago

    Imagine a game where a number of blank squares appear on the screen under a question, ala wheel of fortune. Contestant starts guessing letter rapid fire up to a max 0f 10 guesses. I have a dashboard that holds 27 buttons per row (A-Z and blank default). As the operator clicks on a given letter it sets Data1 value. Meanwhile the answer text is fed by an excel sheet. So, on OnSetText for the DATA1 field I have the following script.

    dim letter1 as xpTextObject
    dim letter1Vis as xpBaseObject
    dim Data1 as xpTextObject

    engine.getobjectbyname("LETTER 1",letter1)
    engine.getobjectbyname("LETTER 1",letter1Vis)
    engine.getobjectbyname("DATA_1", Data1)

    if Data1.text = letter1.Text then
    letter1Vis.Visible = true

    letter1Vis.Visible = false

    end if

    A simple visibility switch based on whether two data field match. I think I am missing something simple and small. Helping out a fellow designer.

    Thanks in advance

    Malcolm Thorpe
    xpression design
    Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD

    Malcolm Thorpe
    xpression design
    Free Lance Xpression Designer/Carbonite TD

  • 2.  RE: Need a little help with a simple script. (helping out a fellow designer)

    Posted 21 days ago

    getObjectByName belongs to xpScene, so depending where this script is, use:

    Scene.getObjectByName or Self.getObjectByName

    Also, letter1Vis is redundant. Just use letter1. It has all the props and methods of xpBaseObject plus extra for text.

    Use the Xpression API documentation.

    Son of Cthulhu