Hi Yassine,
Thanks for your question.
you can download the Ultrix offline editor and wotk on layout configurations without being connected to an ultrix.
the software is here....https://www.rossvideo.com/support/software-downloads/ultricore/
You can also find instructions on how to install it here....https://documentation.rossvideo.com/files/Manuals/Routers/Ultrix/Ultricore-OE%20App%20Note%20(2101DR-110).pdf
Good luck!
Mike Pomerleau
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 07-18-2024 15:45
From: yassine Benameur
Subject: Need to get familiar with Ultrascape
Hello Guys and Ross Team,
I work at a TV channel, and we have recently integrated Ross equipment into our workflow. I have already watched the tutorial videos on Ross University, and my question is: is there a demo version of Ultrascape (layout editor) to get familiar with creating multiviewers?
Best regards,
yassine Benameur
Broadcast Engineer