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  • 1.  Need to get familiar with Ultrascape

    Posted 07-18-2024 15:46

    Hello Guys and Ross Team,

    I work at a TV channel, and we have recently integrated Ross equipment into our workflow. I have already watched the tutorial videos on Ross University, and my question is: is there a demo version of Ultrascape (layout editor) to get familiar with creating multiviewers?

    Best regards,

    yassine Benameur
    Broadcast Engineer

  • 2.  RE: Need to get familiar with Ultrascape

    Posted 07-18-2024 16:10

    Hi Yassine,

    Thanks for your question. 

    you can download the Ultrix offline editor and wotk on layout configurations without being connected to an ultrix.

    the software is here....

    You can also find instructions on how to install it here....

    Good luck!

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video