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  • 1.  Parent scene not animating out child scenes.

    Posted 11-14-2024 14:36

    Hi! I am having some trouble with a parent scene. This scene is a crawling ticker. The parent scene gets the data for the ticker from each child scene. When I put the parent scene online, it functions how I want it to, but when I take it offline, the child data lines(text) maintain on the screen for longer than they should. I have tried adding transition logic to both the parent and child scenes, tried scripting to trigger the children offline on the parent scenes "off" scene director, and tried a similar script on the child scenes "off" scene director. If you have any tips or solves to this problem please let me know. 

    Jasper Hawkins

  • 2.  RE: Parent scene not animating out child scenes.

    Posted 11-14-2024 15:57

    It depends on the type of animation you want to take the text off but the easiest way it to have a mask in the parents scene that animates across and covers the text.


    Things to note, the mask needs to be NOT in a layer object so it should appear black in your parent scene and it should be on a high Z position that text in order to cover it up.

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom