FYI you can now add in the CC to change the Row to the MiniME if you Like as part of the effect.
Could be useful if what you need to do is have it flip the row .. HOLD to then Allow you to select what will go into Key 2 as a source.
Though you could also have the CC/Memory Set the source of the MiniME Keyer 2 as an Aux Follow (Aux 22 let's say) so that you can always recall the memory(or just put the State/Keyframes directly in the CC) on that MiniME with Attributes to recall the Keyer Sources. Since the Memories use Aux22 for Key 2 then you can select the source that will follow at anytime. Effectively parking the reveal source on this "fake" aux bus. If Key 2 is always going to be the same source and Key 1 is always PGM then you don't really need this trick but it is another idea to keep maybe for something else in the future.
First Step would have been to "recall" that first Memory or State (Keyframe directly in the Custom Control). Change one of the panel rows to the MiniME being used and then it would HOLD. You would then be able to select the source (if needed) to something different.
Press the CC again while in "HELD" State. This would then recall the next memory or STATE and do the effects dissolve to squeeze back and bring in the other Box with the source. I would Also then have it change the Row back to the ME or MiniME you prefer to have visible. I would then have it HOLD again so that on Resume it recalls the first memory/State and fly's back Full Screen.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-05-2024 18:41
From: Bob Woodhead
Subject: "PGM in a box" - best way to cut program in a box that flies back?
Good point Les, I hadn't considered a Mini downstream of 'PGM' bus. I do always have any switcher set to MiniME mode, so plenty of resources. I was thinking about wanting the physical stripe of the 'final' ME in front of me, but for the sole purpose of pushing 'PGM' back to a box, I can totally be comfortable with just using a CC instead of temporarily assigned the Mini to the bottom stripe (never enough time for that anyway).
Perhaps it was some extremely old muscle memory of switching before such flexibility was possible that was holding me back mentally.
Bob Woodhead
Johns Creek United States
Original Message:
Sent: 04-05-2024 18:20
From: Les O'Reilly
Subject: "PGM in a box" - best way to cut program in a box that flies back?
What Carbonite switcher is this? Note that just because the Panel is 2 Rows does not mean that you only have 2 MEs. There are other resources like a MiniMEs and you could also Leverage.
In DashBoard you can look at the Status Page to see what "Engine" you are working with. On the LiveAssist Page you can select the MEs tab to see how many MEs and MiniMEs you have.
What you could consider doing is Keeping a MiniME downstream of your "PGM" ME. Put the PGM ME into Key 1 of the MiniME and make a memory that has Key1 DVE Full Screen. Then you can build the Second Memory that has it squeezed back with Key 2 being your other Box.
If you always Keep the DVE Box in you will also maintain the constant 1 frame of Delay on PGM and you won't jump cut it when you do the squeeze back. Now all of your effects will put PGM in that box.
You can then just build a Custom Control that will Squeeze back PGM and then press it again to Squeeze it back full using a HOLD in the custom control.
Les O'Reilly
Director - Switcher Product Management
Original Message:
Sent: 04-03-2024 12:47
From: Bob Woodhead
Subject: "PGM in a box" - best way to cut program in a box that flies back?
Gotcha. Yeah, if I was on 3 or 4 full ME switchers as a regular thing I'm sure I'd go that way. It's pretty confining on a 2 stripe panel though. Which is why you said at the outset "luxury to lose a ME". :) So my problem is not enough luxury! lol
Anyone with Grass or Sony experience know if there's a different approach available with those? Just curious.
Bob Woodhead
Johns Creek United States
Original Message:
Sent: 04-03-2024 12:39
From: Guillaume Hebert
Subject: "PGM in a box" - best way to cut program in a box that flies back?
That's correct.
You key your graphics, bug and whoosh on ME3 so you can also provided a clean feed if needed. On your ME PGM, it's ME3 PGM on key 2 full that's push back when needed to reveal your extra boxes. That way, you PGM, even in a box, gonna have all your graphics, bug and transition.
Guillaume Hebert
Quebec Canada
Original Message:
Sent: 04-03-2024 11:19
From: Bob Woodhead
Subject: "PGM in a box" - best way to cut program in a box that flies back?
So that I'm clear - in your example ME PGM would be the same as ME4? So your Xpression keys and bug are in ME3 and the only thing ME4 (aka PGM) is doing is flying key 2 to reveal the extra boxes alongside a complete "PGM" show?
Bob Woodhead
Johns Creek United States
Original Message:
Sent: 04-03-2024 11:07
From: Guillaume Hebert
Subject: "PGM in a box" - best way to cut program in a box that flies back?
Hi Bob,
If you have the luxury of losing a ME, here is how have done it in the past on other switcher:
You cut your show on ME3. On your ME PGM, you have key 1 DVE with announce or whatever and key 2 DVE with ME3 PGM. Then you used macro to go from key 2 Full (so your normal show full), then you can push this key 2 back to see you multi-box arrangement and continue cutting your show on ME3. Push key 2 back to full and so on.
Hope it helps
Guillaume Hebert
Quebec Canada
Original Message:
Sent: 04-03-2024 10:27
From: Bob Woodhead
Subject: "PGM in a box" - best way to cut program in a box that flies back?
Every so often I get the request to fly back PGM into a multi-box arrangement and continue cutting PGM in the one box (other boxes have announce, whatever). Instead of changing cutting cameras to another ME (eg; ME2 instead of ME3 (aka PGM)), I have the PGM box on ME2 use ME3BG as fill source. Other boxes also on ME2. Macro keys ME2 on ME3 DSK3 in Self/Full/DVE mode, runs it back to PiP look, and I continue to cut sources on ME3. Second hold in macro flies the PGM box full and cuts off ME3 DSK3. Works fine except only cuts on BG bus show in ME2 "PGM" box - no transtions.
Question: anyone doing this differently? Would there be a trick on another switcher to get a complete PGM source (including transitions) into another ME and get that to air? Or is it possible on a Carbonite?
Bob Woodhead
Johns Creek United States