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  • 1.  Pulling Data based off of Other Data Point

    Posted 22 days ago
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    Hi Everyone,

    I recently switched over to SportsDataIO for pulling data for other sporting events that are not happening in my venue. I want to be able to pull the AP Rank of a CFB team based off of an XML (or JSON) that their API creates. I can identify the team via the internally created TeamID which follows across their different API's. The unfortunate part is that there is not an API that generates both the scores of the game and includes the AP Ranking of the team. Is it possible to look up and see multiple points within a single data array? I am using Datalinq and Xpression 11.5 for this. 

    I already have the ability to query the team and get their ID in other data points within the XPN Scene but looking up based off the teamID is where I am running into trouble. 

    I have a text doc attached that has an example of a single game's API in XML format and what the API looks like where I would be getting the ranking from. 

    Thank you! Let me know if you have any other questions that could help. 

    Dylan Kissel
    Assistant Director of Game Presentation
    Michigan State University


    SDIO Data Example.txt   2 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Pulling Data based off of Other Data Point

    Posted 22 days ago

    Hey Dylan!

    In any given text box, you can use Datalinq macros to reference other data on the same XML. For instance, if you're trying to reference a team's rank based on their ID, your datalinq block would look something like this.

    This is how we're pulling stats for automated lower thirds. In your case, it would be something similar to this but referencing the teamID <teamID=@ObjectName@> with the row being ApRank. Let me know if you need me to clarify further

    John Spitznagel
    Video Production Engineer
    Elon University