First question have you tried this setting
Second part, yes you can use this script to apply a material
dim box as xpBaseObject
dim mat as xpMaterial
Scene.GetObjectByName("Quad1", box)
if text = "D" then
engine.GetMaterialByName("blue", mat)
box.SetMaterial(0, mat)
end if
if text = "R" then
engine.GetMaterialByName("red", mat)
box.SetMaterial(0, mat)
end if
if text = "I" then
engine.GetMaterialByName("white", mat)
box.SetMaterial(0, mat)
end if
Simon Redmile
Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
Ross Video
Bristol United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 07-18-2024 17:42
From: Karim Lakehal
Subject: Quad Options, Auto resize and aspect ratio
I'm working on a project with many flags with differente sizes, I first wanted to use Dynamic Material : E:\MyProject\FLAGS\@Txt_Member1@_flag.png
Where Txt_Member1 is the 2 letters of the country ex : JP__flag.png UK_flag.png CH_flag.png and so on Txt_Member1 is Datalinqed to an Excel file.
But because Dynamic Material is only changing the image it doesn't affect the Quad itself so all the flags have the same size.
To make it work I need to apply the flags from the Material Manager and not from a Folder.
Any idea on how to make it Dynamic from the Material Manager, maybe a piece of Sript ?
Karim Lakehal
Paris France