Facility Control

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  • 1.  Recall a Robotic Preset from dashboard - Only one axis

    Posted 09-16-2024 12:08


    We have a Furio and we would like to recall only the Track position of an existing preset (Pan/Tilt/Zoom/Focus have to remain unchanged) from Dashboard. I achieve to do it from SmartShell with a trick of own by creating a move and deactivating PTZF axis of the Preset 0. But I would like to do this with our shotbox.

    If it works with SmartShell, I guess we could write a command into dashboard to do the same thing. Maybe in cgi ? Could you help me please with this command ? 

    And what about the lift and the pan ? 

    Thanks a lot.

    Arnaud JACQUET
    chief of the camera operator

  • 2.  RE: Recall a Robotic Preset from dashboard - Only one axis

    Posted 09-17-2024 05:50

    Hi Arnaud, 

    There may be a direct string that can be sent to the Furio or Robotic Server, I'll take a look and let you know.

    In the meantime, have you attempted adding the Furio to Dashboard:

    • if you can open the Dashboard panel once added, you can recall presets from there.
    • - Alternately, you can add the Furio as a device to a custom panel once added in the Dashboard tree.

    Best regards,


    Richard Crutwell
    Ross Video UK

  • 3.  RE: Recall a Robotic Preset from dashboard - Only one axis

    Posted 09-19-2024 03:44

    Hi Richard,
    Thanks for your answer. I already control the Furio from Dashboard (and from the shotbox with custom controls). It works very well.

    But, when you record a preset, it contains all the axis of the robotic system (pan, tilt, zoom, focus, lift, track).
    Smartshell and Dashboard don't allow you to filter axis or choose the axis you want to recall. You must recall the full preset .

    I succeed in recalling just one axis of the Furio with Smartshell using Moves but I can't do this from Dashboard.

    If you find the command, it would be really help us.

    Best regards,


    Arnaud JACQUET
    chief of the camera operator

  • 4.  RE: Recall a Robotic Preset from dashboard - Only one axis

    Posted 09-25-2024 06:03

    Hi Arnaud, 

    I have a small custom panel I've created that connects to a Furio. It toggles the axis from enabled/disabled and send a Preset ID. 

    You may have this to see how it works with your system and if it's something that would interest you, we can discuss a further build out of a panel. 

    You must enter the IP of the Furio and select the connection button to get started, if you open the Dashboard debug window you will see any replies from the Furio for enable/diasble of the axis and also for sending the presets. Enter the preset ID to send the preset. NOTE the duration isn't provided in the preset messages, it will use the default value.


    Best regards, 


    Richard Crutwell
    Ross Video UK

  • 5.  RE: Recall a Robotic Preset from dashboard - Only one axis

    Posted 09-27-2024 06:10

    Thanks Richard. Too good! I'll look at that. The problem is that the set is taken 24 hours a day. For information, I can do what I want on all axes except on the axes specific to the furio. Track and lift seem linked. I can't recall Track without the lift via dashboard. Thanks again.


  • 6.  RE: Recall a Robotic Preset from dashboard - Only one axis

    Posted 11-07-2024 09:34

    Hi Richard,

    I tried your custom panel. I disabled some axes with the following message on the debug window :  OK{*:DISABLE}

    But when I tried to recall my moves, I got the following error on SmartShell NOT ENABLED One or more axes needed for this motion are not enabled.


    Arnaud JACQUET
    chief of the camera operator

  • 7.  RE: Recall a Robotic Preset from dashboard - Only one axis

    Posted 11-08-2024 07:40

    Hi Arnaud, 

    I hadn't accounted for disabling the axis in the command, my apologies. I have updated the command to send PRESET GOTO preset_id FORCE so that the Furio will execute the preset regardless of the disabled axis.

    Here is an updated version of the Dashboard. Let me know how you get along.




    Richard Crutwell
    Ross Video UK

  • 8.  RE: Recall a Robotic Preset from dashboard - Only one axis

    Posted 11-22-2024 08:07

    Thanks Richard. I try it as soon as possible.


    Arnaud JACQUET
    chief of the camera operator