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  • 1.  Resize project

    Posted 07-21-2024 17:12

    Does anyone know if I change my project properties from 1080i to 720p will have to manually go through and resize all of my scenes? What about 1080i to 1080p? Looking to make the change to progressive, but have some limitations with other equipment and trying to come up with the best solution.

    Jeff Bins
    AV Production Supervisor
    Green Bay United States

  • 2.  RE: Resize project

    Posted 07-22-2024 04:17

    So when changing the resolution it will convert any scenes that are 1080 to 720 I believe. 

    In terms of I to p its about frame rate, if 30fpd becomes 60fps expression will do its best to adjust keyframes but videos may run fast or slow depending on their frame rate and continuous animations will also need adjusting for timing. 

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom