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  • 1.  Rosstalk commands via tcp

    Posted 11-08-2024 19:08

    I have a computer sending Rosstalk commands via TCP to switch Ultrix destinations at preset times. This works well most of the time, but  every once in a while, (usually once a week or so) the destinations fail to switch. I have done some troubleshooting and have found that if there is a computer somewhere in the building with Dashboard open to a custom panel, if I close that Dahsboard app, the problem goes away. Has anyone had a similar problem or have a clue as to how to fix this issue?


    Dean Deutscher
    Broadcast Engineer

  • 2.  RE: Rosstalk commands via tcp

    Posted 11-11-2024 14:11

    Hi Dean,

    Thanks for your question. Can you tell me what version of Dashboard and Ultrix you are using and does the custom dashboard page that you have to close have a rosstalk connection tot the same frame?

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 3.  RE: Rosstalk commands via tcp

    Posted 12-04-2024 22:22
    THe dashboard version is 9.5.1. Yes, the Dashboard apps that I have closed that fix the issue are all connected to the Ultrix. Ultrix is a 5ru running system version 5.5.2
