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  • 1.  Stats Workflow

    Posted 12-03-2024 12:48

    We were able to crew an extra person on site to keep a statbook for our local basketball productions. 

    How could I best utilize this info? 

    Google sheet w/API Key, "shared" excel sheet, or a stats website via xml datalinq? I only know how to config the google sheet, I have a lot to learn. 

    Open for any suggestions, thanks for the input!

    Xpression operator
    Blue Ridge 11

  • 2.  RE: Stats Workflow

    Posted 12-04-2024 09:44

    From what I've read in the forums, this may be version specific.

    I believe you need the recent version of Xpression/Project server to do Google sheets.

    Otherwise you need to use excel.

    Can someone confirm if I am right or wrong?

    Son of Cthulhu

  • 3.  RE: Stats Workflow

    Posted 12-04-2024 10:33

    XPression version 11.5 supports Google Sheets natively and you can see a tutorial video here: XPression U Google Sheets

    If you are running an older version of XPression let us know. 

  • 4.  RE: Stats Workflow

    Posted 12-10-2024 14:48

    As soon as I saw that I checked the version, its 10.5 so yeah its like you guys are saying, specific to version. I built the sheet and went to add it to datalinq, it only gives XML or JSON, no text option. 

    I can drive the suggestion of getting the google drive app downloaded and using excel with it? 

    Thanks for the input! 

    Xpression operator
    Blue Ridge 11

  • 5.  RE: Stats Workflow

    Posted 12-10-2024 15:09

    We have the google drive app loaded on our Xpression Studio PC, and put our excel file in there.


    The Drive app lets google drive show up as a mounted drive, in our case G:\


    Then we were able to share that excel .xlsx file with others to populate like a normal excel shared file Our datalinq was pointed to the version on our studio PC G:\, and whenever drive would update the shared file- usually once every minute or so, it would be in datalinq. For stats you might have to refresh or find a way to make it update quicker.  And we were able to use the AODB excel thing. It worked out pretty well.


    -Jay Cofield, Ph.D.

    Professor of Mass Communication

    The University of Montevallo



  • 6.  RE: Stats Workflow

    Posted 12-04-2024 11:12

    Hopefully this will help, one of our IT guys figured out that we could install the google drive app on the Xpression machine, and use a real Excel sheet with datalinq.  Google drive apparently tricks excel into sharing with datalinq better than Microsoft intends :-)




    -Jay Cofield, Ph.D.

    Professor of Mass Communication

    The University of Montevallo
