Hi there! Sorry I have not answered this, but I've been busy with other type of work latley and havent been on the forums.
Anyways, hope you got it working, if not, here's a quick rundown.
First of all, I'd use Bitfocus' Companion app to send the commands with from the StreamDeck. There's nothing wrong with the ROSS plugin for streamdeck, but frankly, the options you get with companion is just huge.
Find the software here: https://bitfocus.io/companion
You can also use the emulator in companion to test without actually having to have a physical streamdeck to test your buttons.
Second, you need Dashboard of course.
Step 1: Prepare Dashboard
First, you need to set up DashBoard to listen to GPI commands on a port.
This is done through the menu Window -> Preferences -> RossTalk GPI Listener
It has to be enabled and set a port. Remember this port for when we get to companion. In my case I just picked a random 7792. By default it will be 7788, but if you run Xpression on the same machine, you might want to change this.
Step 2: Prepare a button to trigger by GPI
To trigger a button the button needs a Trigger ID. This is found right above tasks when you double click a button. In the picture below, I just put mine as "test".
Step 3: Connect to the Dashboard with Companion
In the companion GUI, you should now add a "rosstalk" module/connection.
Usually "localhost" doesnt work in the Switcher Frame/Xpression IP field, but "" works. Then set the port to what you wanted DashBoard to listen to from step 1. 7792 in this case.
Once you hit save, and the IP and port is correct, the status on the RossTalk connection on the left side should be green and say "OK".
Step 4: Create a button and trigger:
In the companion GUI, go to create a button,and for it's "press actions" you simply add the "rosstalk: Trigger GPI by Name", and insert whatever you put as the trigger id for the button, "test" in my case, in the name field. Leave the "parameter" field empty.
Click the yellow "test press" button, or go to the emulators in the companion GUI and you can trigger the button through the RossTalk GPI from StreamDeck.
Aleksander Stalsberg
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences/Lillehammer Icehockey Club
Original Message:
Sent: 08-05-2024 08:32
From: Richard Crutwell
Subject: Stream Deck controlling Dashboard Panels
Hi João,
Can you explain an example of what needs to be controlled/triggered by the StreamDeck? - Rosstalk is useful but what your requesting may not be exposed to the RT protocol functions, however, there may be another way.
Kind regards,
Richard Crutwell
Ross Video UK
Original Message:
Sent: 07-19-2024 13:00
From: João victhor Mariano
Subject: Stream Deck controlling Dashboard Panels
Could you help me how to set the Stream Deck to control the soft panels from Ultrix router?
João victhor Mariano
Original Message:
Sent: 11-16-2022 08:57
From: João victhor Mariano
Subject: Stream Deck controlling Dashboard Panels
Hello Aleksander Stalsberg,
First of all, thanks for your tip. Actually, I already installed the Stream Deck app on my PC and I also found the Rosstalk pluggin on it.
I´m stuck o how to write the correct command to do my Dashboard panel works as expected. I´m doing a simple test...my Dashboard panel is compound by one label and two buttons, and that´s it. These two buttons only change the label´s stutus between ''zero'' and ''one''. I just want to do same function (executed by these virtual buttons) using the Stream Deck buttons. Do you know how can I do that?
João victhor Mariano
Original Message:
Sent: 11-12-2022 18:30
From: Aleksander Stalsberg
Subject: Stream Deck controlling Dashboard Panels
Two options for this as far as I know.
- There IS a RossTalk plugin for the StreamDeck native software.
Only god knows where they have hidden it now though, or if they even support it anymore.
I know because I once had it, but if there is one thing ROSS can learn to do better it is to find stuff like that to download... Cause it's really a mess to find...
- Just go use the Companion App from Bitfocus.
You can find it here: https://bitfocus.io/companion (sorry if it's not allowed to link external stuff, but I just spent 20 min trying to look for your plugin ROSS)
Compantion also has plugins for ALOT of other companies and hardware. So definetly worth taking a look at.
After that, just set up DashBoard to listen on a port: Window -> Preferences -> RossTalk GPI Listener
And then use the Trigger ID and regular Trigger GPI command in Companion.
Works everytime on my setup.
Aleksander Stalsberg
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences/Lillehammer Icehockey Club
Original Message:
Sent: 11-11-2022 09:06
From: João victhor Mariano
Subject: Stream Deck controlling Dashboard Panels
I recently bought a Stream Deck and I´d like to use it to control some buttons in my custom Dashboard panels. I know that it´s possible use Stream Deck to control some functions in Carbonite switcher, Xpression through Rosstalk protocol. However, I´d like to know if is there some commands (Rosstalk) to control some custom buttons (e.g Switch the color button between red and green) through Stream Deck?
João victhor Mariano