Hi Sam,
I've had a quick look at your table, and edited the button [ADD COMPETITOR +]
and this now works.
you need to create an iteration to create an array entry for each param,
you can follow what I've done here and apply it to the other data buttons you need.
hope this helps.
<abs contexttype="opengear" id="_top" keepalive="false">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Rider Name" oid="riderName" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default">
<value>Name 1</value>
<value>Name 2</value>
<value>Name 3</value>
<value>Name 4</value>
<value>Name 5</value>
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Rider Number" oid="riderNumber" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Country" oid="riderCountry" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Final Time" oid="riderFinalTime" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Split 1" oid="riderSplit1" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Split 2" oid="riderSplit2" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Split 3" oid="riderSplit3" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default">
<param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Split 4" oid="riderSplit4" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default">
<param access="1" constrainttype="STRING_CHOICE" name="params.table" oid="params.table" precision="0" type="INT32" value="4" widget="table">
<config key="w.selectionparam">Selection</config>
<param access="1" constrainttype="INT_NULL" name="Selection" oid="Selection" precision="0" type="INT32" value="1" widget="label"/>
<api>function moveUp() { move(-1); }
function moveDown() { move(1); }
function move(direction)
var selection = params.getValue('params.table', 0);
var newSelection = selection + direction; if (newSelection < 0 || newSelection > params.getElementCount('riderName'))
return; //If we are moving up but are already at the top or moving down and are already at the bottom } var newValues = []; var oldValues = params.getAllValues('riderName'); for (var i = 0; i < oldValues.length; i++) { if (direction > 0 && i != selection) //If we are down, add the value already at index first { newValues.push(oldValues[i]); } if (i == newSelection) { newValues.push(oldValues[selection]); } if (direction < 0 && i != selection) //If we are up, add the value already at index after { newValues.push(oldValues[i]); } } params.setAllValues('riderName', newValues); params.setValue('params.table', 0, newSelection); }
<table colspan="1" fill="both" height="750" insets="2,2,2,10" left="142" rowspan="1" style="bg#dark;bdr:round;" top="159" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0" width="1261">
<label colspan="2" fill="both" height="50" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Competitiors" rowspan="1" style="txt-align:west;font:bold;size:Big;" weightx="1.0"/>
<param expand="true" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" oid="Selection" style="bdr:etched;bg#dark;font:bold;size:Big;o#000000;fg#FFFFFF;txt-align:center;" weightx="0.0" weighty="0.0" widget="spinner"/>
<button buttontype="push" colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name=" ▲ " rowspan="1" style="bg#lightdivider;size:16;font:bold;" weightx="0.0" weighty="0.0">
<task tasktype="ogscript">moveUp();</task>
<button buttontype="push" colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name=" ▼ " rowspan="1" style="bg#lightdivider;size:16;font:bold;" weightx="0.0" weighty="0.0">
<task tasktype="ogscript">moveDown();</task>
<task tasktype="ogscript"/>
<button buttontype="push" colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Add Competitor +" rowspan="1" style="bg#23B126;size:16;font:bold;" weightx="0.15" weighty="0.0">
<task tasktype="ogscript">
//figure out how many cols (Params) need to be added
var tableCols = params.getConstraint('params.table')
var tableCols = tableCols.getChoices()
// figure out how many array records are currently entered
var tableRowCount = params.getElementCount('riderName');
//append a new array entry at the end of the list
for (var i = 0; i < tableCols.length; i++)
var p = params.getParam(tableCols[i], 0)
p.setValueAt(tableRowCount, "")
<button buttontype="push" colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Delete Competitor -" rowspan="1" style="bg#D41033;size:16;font:bold;" weightx="0.15" weighty="0.0">
<task tasktype="ogscript"><button buttontype="push" height="60" left="760" name="Delete Selected" top="380" width="120"> <task tasktype="ogscript">var selection = params.getValue('Selection', 0); if (selection &lt; 0) { return; } var newValue = new Array(); var table = params.getParam('params.table', 0); for (var i = 0; i &lt; table.getElementCount(); i++) { if (i != selection) { newValue.push(table.getValueAt(i)); } } params.setAllValues('params.table', newValue);</task> </button></task>
<param colspan="7" expand="true" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" oid="params.table" rowspan="1" showlabel="false" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0">
<config key="w.reorder">true</config>
<config key="w.selectionparam">Selection</config>
<button buttontype="push" height="1" left="641" top="58" width="1"/>
Thomas Wilson
Project Manager / Engineer
Innovative Production Services
Original Message:
Sent: 09-30-2024 05:59
From: Sam McIntosh
Subject: Table navigation with add/delete row function
Hi I have tried to build a table using code from example panels but am unable to get it working.
Essentialy I would like a button to add rows and one to delete rows with up and down arrows to navigate the table.
If someone can assist with what I have wrong that'd be great. Thanks
<abs contexttype="opengear" id="_top" keepalive="false"> <meta> <params> <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Rider Name" oid="riderName" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default"> <value>Name 1</value> <value>Name 2</value> <value>Name 3</value> <value>Name 4</value> <value>Name 5</value> </param> <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Rider Number" oid="riderNumber" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default"> <value>1</value> <value>2</value> <value>3</value> <value>4</value> <value>5</value> </param> <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Country" oid="riderCountry" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default"> <value>CAN</value> <value>GBR</value> <value>GBR</value> <value>AUS</value> <value>USA</value> </param> <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Final Time" oid="riderFinalTime" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default"> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> </param> <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Split 1" oid="riderSplit1" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default"> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> </param> <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Split 2" oid="riderSplit2" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default"> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> </param> <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Split 3" oid="riderSplit3" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default"> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> </param> <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Split 4" oid="riderSplit4" precision="0" type="STRING_ARRAY" widget="default"> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> <value/> </param> <param access="1" constrainttype="STRING_CHOICE" name="params.table" oid="params.table" precision="0" type="INT32" value="0" widget="table"> <config key="w.selectionparam">Selection</config> <constraint>riderName</constraint> <constraint>riderNumber</constraint> <constraint>riderCountry</constraint> <constraint>riderFinalTime</constraint> <constraint>riderSplit1</constraint> <constraint>riderSplit2</constraint> <constraint>riderSplit3</constraint> <constraint>riderSplit4</constraint> </param> <param access="1" constrainttype="INT_NULL" name="Selection" oid="Selection" precision="0" type="INT32" value="4" widget="label"/> </params> <api>function moveUp(){move(-1);}function moveDown(){move(1);}function move(direction){var selection = params.getValue('params.table', 0);var newSelection = selection + direction;if (newSelection < 0 || newSelection > params.getElementCount('riderName')){return; //If we are moving up but are already at the top or moving down and are already at the bottom}var newValues = [];var oldValues = params.getAllValues('riderName');for (var i = 0; i < oldValues.length; i++){if (direction > 0 && i != selection) //If we are down, add the value already at index first{newValues.push(oldValues[i]);}if (i == newSelection){newValues.push(oldValues[selection]);}if (direction < 0 && i != selection) //If we are up, add the value already at index after{newValues.push(oldValues[i]);}}params.setAllValues('riderName', newValues);params.setValue('params.table', 0, newSelection);}</api> </meta> <table colspan="1" fill="both" height="500" insets="2,2,2,10" left="142" rowspan="1" style="bg#dark;bdr:round;" top="159" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0" width="1261"> <tr> <label colspan="2" fill="both" height="50" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Competitiors" rowspan="1" style="txt-align:west;font:bold;size:Big;" weightx="1.0"/> <param expand="true" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" oid="Selection" style="bdr:etched;bg#dark;font:bold;size:Big;o#000000;fg#FFFFFF;txt-align:center;" weightx="0.0" weighty="0.0" widget="spinner"/> <button buttontype="push" colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name=" ▲ " rowspan="1" style="bg#lightdivider;size:16;font:bold;" weightx="0.0" weighty="0.0"> <task tasktype="ogscript">moveUp();</task> </button> <button buttontype="push" colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name=" ▼ " rowspan="1" style="bg#lightdivider;size:16;font:bold;" weightx="0.0" weighty="0.0"> <task tasktype="ogscript">moveDown();</task> <task tasktype="ogscript"/> </button> <button buttontype="push" colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Add Competitor +" rowspan="1" style="bg#23B126;size:16;font:bold;" weightx="0.15" weighty="0.0"> <task tasktype="ogscript">var newValue = { riderName: "", riderNumber: "", riderCountry: "", riderFinalTime: "", riderSplit1: "", riderSplit2: "", riderSplit3: "", riderSplit4: ""}var p = params.getParam('params.table', 0);p.setValueAt(p.getElementCount(), newValue);</task> </button> <button buttontype="push" colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Delete Competitor -" rowspan="1" style="bg#D41033;size:16;font:bold;" weightx="0.15" weighty="0.0"> <task tasktype="ogscript"><button buttontype="push" height="60" left="760" name="Delete Selected" top="380" width="120"> <task tasktype="ogscript">var selection = params.getValue('Selection', 0);if (selection &lt; 0){ return;}var newValue = new Array();var table = params.getParam('params.table', 0);for (var i = 0; i &lt; table.getElementCount(); i++){ if (i != selection) { newValue.push(table.getValueAt(i)); }}params.setAllValues('params.table', newValue);</task></button></task> </button> </tr> <tr> <param colspan="7" expand="true" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" oid="params.table" rowspan="1" showlabel="false" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0"> <config key="w.reorder">true</config> <config key="w.selectionparam">Selection</config> </param> </tr> </table></abs>
Sam McIntosh
National Rugby League