Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 15:20
From: Kyler Glaze
Subject: Ultricore RCP-QE36 Disable Web Interface and SSH
Support responded quickly and got me the firmware I needed. Thanks!
Kyler Glaze
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 13:01
From: Mike Pomerleau
Subject: Ultricore RCP-QE36 Disable Web Interface and SSH
Hi Kyler
Upgrading to version 1.75 on your RCP will give you the option of enableing and dissabling SSH from Dashboard.
Send an email to support@rossvideo.com and we will set you up with the software.
Mike Pomerleau
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 12:54
From: Kyler Glaze
Subject: Ultricore RCP-QE36 Disable Web Interface and SSH
The hardmode solution I'm trying is to rename/move the file /etc/init.d/S60httpd so that the web server won't load on startup, and to change the password of the root account, but it sure would be nice to be able to toggle these services via Dashboard.
Kyler Glaze
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2024 11:55
From: Kyler Glaze
Subject: Ultricore RCP-QE36 Disable Web Interface and SSH
I can't seem to find any way to disable the web interface or SSH access on our router control panels. Is it possible? The SSH default credentials are root/root which recently led to malware infecting one of our Ultrix routers. I'd like to be able to prevent that in the rest of our Ross hardware, but it's proving tricky.
Anyone have any tips to improve network security on these RCPs?
Kyler Glaze