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  • 1.  Ultrimix DANTE

    Posted 01-02-2025 12:11


    I'm configuring a brand new FR2. I declare destinations and sources, audio of SDI embeded as well, I'm able to route audio sources from SDI to destinations and so perfom shuffling. So far so good ! We got the Ultrimix Dante licence and the SFP Aux Port on slot 1 Aux C. it is well configured into Aux Ports assignment. into the slot view I can see that state is valid (network is configured in DHCP).

    But I have trouble to make it works... I can't see the Ultrix in Dante Controller... (I was able to make crosspoints once but the ultrix disapear from Dante Controller and I can't manage to make it comes back). If I look to the metrics there is no RX frame count....

    The aim is to make crosspoints from dante to SDI outputs and to route SDI audio embedded channels to dante channels....

    ADoes anyone got an idea ?


    Boris salhaji
    France Télévisions

  • 2.  RE: Ultrimix DANTE

    Posted 01-05-2025 05:25


    just to keep the community up to date Ultrimix Dante is working now thanks to the help of Ross experts. There is still a thing to adress on our side but it's okay… 

    Thank you team Ross! 

    Boris salhaji
    France Télévisions

  • 3.  RE: Ultrimix DANTE

    Posted 01-07-2025 09:50

    Bonjour Boris

    My first thought would be to reboot the Ultrix - If you have had connectivity between the Ultrix and Dante then it has been set up correctly. If you have already done a reboot then check all the settings. In Dashboard Open the Ultrix rear Gui  - Devices - Ultrix. Once it has opened checked the license is still there- Click on the blue Key Icon. Check Ultrimix-Dante has a license code.

    Click on the Ultrimix -Dante Tab. Check the correct Slot (1) is selected. 

    Now Click on the Blue Briefcase Icon - Make sure Slot 1 Aux C - SFP is selected to Dante and Aux B is Blank. If you have made a change Click Apply. 

    Click on the Blue House (Home).

    Now Click on Slot 1 Aux C Icon- Should be Green if SFP is connected and Licensed. I believe it also has a small Dante Logo icon above it is Licensed.

    If the Aux C Icon is red - it is Licensed but doesn't see the SFP / not plugged in...check it is seated correctly in Aux C. 

    Grey Aux C Icon means it's not licensed.

    In the Slot 1 details - look for Views: and click on the Baseband button..this should show you a selection of options - Click on the Ultrimix Dante.

    Here you will find all the Network Settings and Status - The Status information is Read Only.

    Check the State is Valid. 

    Network settings can be changed here. Change Mode - drop down - Static / DHCP. If you make any changes remember to Click on Apply. 

    If State shows as Valid and SFP Detected then all is good on the Ultrix Side. 

    In the Database - Check you can see Slot 1 AUX C and you can't see Slot 1 AUX B in both Source and Destinations.

    Destinations you have to add them unless you have used the new Database builder which allows you add Dante to Destinations. 

    Hope this helps. 



    edward Kemp
    Technical Trainer | Commissioning Specialist
    Ross Video

  • 4.  RE: Ultrimix DANTE

    Posted 01-07-2025 09:50

    Hi Boris

    Not sure if my last reply appeared - Simple option would be to reboot the Ultrix. If you have already done that - check using Dashboard the Ultrix Rear Gui Screen that the Aux C on Slot 1 is showing Green and has a small Dante Logo above it. If it is Green then Dante is all good. If Aux C is showing Red then check the SFP is connected / pushed in properly. Red shows it is licensed but can't see the SFP.  If it is Grey then it is not licensed. - Then you would need to check the license. (blue key icon) 

    Hopefully the Reboot will help....



    edward Kemp
    Technical Trainer | Commissioning Specialist
    Ross Video

  • 5.  RE: Ultrimix DANTE

    Posted 01-07-2025 09:51

    This will happen on Dante controller. You will not see some devices in the Dante controller. It has happen to me on my FR5. Power cycle the computer. I hope that works. 

    Zeke Hernandez
    Production Engineer
    BYU tv

  • 6.  RE: Ultrimix DANTE

    Posted 01-07-2025 09:51

    I thought I replied earlier.  This will happen on Dante Controller and it may happen again where you cant see some devices in the matrix. Power cycle the computer where you are using the Dante controller. Also make sure your have connectivity to the FR2 Dante port to the switch. You can ping the IP address to confirm its talking.

    Zeke Hernandez
    Production Engineer
    BYU tv

  • 7.  RE: Ultrimix DANTE

    Posted 01-07-2025 10:34

    Hello Everybody, 

    Thanks for your help ! 

    Thanks Ed for the step by step. As I said it is working even if there is a glitch on the DHCP. It seems to not gate a proper Apipa adress range... But we fix the problem by giving static adresses on dante equipments... 

    The DHCP issue we get is adressed in a ticket by Olivier from Ross france BTW... 

    Thanks again have a nice day,


    Boris salhaji
    France Télévisions