Hi Jason
Thanks for your question
Yes with the release of 6.2 the alias names are available on ultriscape.
You can select the alias field in the dropdown menu of the head selection tab. Any alias groups you create will apear here.
Mike Pomerleau
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2024 18:50
From: Jason Hotchkiss
Subject: Ultriscape Aliases
We are running 5.6.3 and I'm looking ahead to version 6.2 via release notes and user guide documentation. I can't tell if it's possible to use the Alias function to create Source Mnemonics for Ultriscape (Show Names, Camera names, etc.). Typically a tally system would be the source of Mnemonics, but in this case we are only using Ultrix.
Is this possible or a future roadmap item?
Jason Hotchkiss
AV Administrator