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  • 1.  Ultriscape Head outputs

    Posted 11-18-2023 19:45

    Does an Ultriscape head appear as a source on the router to be output to multiple destinations  or does it only output from the physical connection designated with the license 

    Paul Whitfield

  • 2.  RE: Ultriscape Head outputs

    Posted 11-18-2023 22:53

    Hi Paul, 

    Thanks for the question. The Multiviewer is applied at the output and is not natively available as a source. However you can re-enter the multiviewer with a HDBNC cable without any issues. 

    Hope this helps!

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 3.  RE: Ultriscape Head outputs

    Posted 11-19-2023 14:54

    Ok, got it. Thanks for the quick reply. 

    Paul Whitfield