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  • 1.  ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 07-30-2022 17:20
    What is the best procedure to back up Ultrix files?


    [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy
    [Producer, Director, Technical Director]

  • 2.  RE: ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 08-01-2022 09:46

    Hi Danny,

    I'm assuming you are referring to database configuration files? 

    The process starts in Dashboard by accessing the "System Status" page underneath the Ultrix entry in the Tree. 

    Navigate to the "Transfer" tab towards the upper right of the screen. Select which type of file you want to back up, select the file you want to back up, then browse to the location you want to store the file, and click "Apply." This same screen is where you can import files that have been previously backed up. 

    You can also copy and paste your source and destination tables into Excel if you'd like. Go to either of those tabs(accessed in the Database folder in the Tree) and click CTRL+A to select every cell in the table and then paste that into a spreadsheet. Please note, if you intend to copy this information back into the Database, Dashboard doesn't know how to handle empty cells, so it will shift over data from the cell to the right, which can cause major issues with your database. So a good rule of thumb is to either A) fill in all empty cells with a character of your choice, or B) selective paste back data into the appropriate fields to make sure everything goes back where it is supposed to. 

    Hope that helps!


    Joe Davenport
    Solutions Architect
    Ross Video

  • 3.  RE: ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 08-03-2022 13:49
    Thank you. Very straightforward UI to do exports and imports.

    [Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy
    [Producer, Director, Technical Director]

  • 4.  RE: ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 08-03-2022 13:53

    Good deal! Yes, we try to make it easy for you all! 

    Let us know if you have any additional questions. 


    Joe Davenport
    Solutions Architect
    Ross Video

  • 5.  RE: ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 10-28-2024 12:05

    Hi all

    As we are now preping to swap between events i found no way to save my ip-x card settings.

    In which part of the backup files should this card be saved?
    I want to save namings and sdp files of that entry's and it seems not to be saved in to the default database files?

    Silas Füglistaler
    Crealine media Systems ag

  • 6.  RE: ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 10-30-2024 11:38

    Hi Silas

    Thanks for your question. 

    You may need to upgrade your system to do this.....  we introduced the ability to export IPX settings in version 6.0

    if you are interested in an upgrade please contact technical support for the files. 

    Hope this helps!

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 7.  RE: ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 11-01-2024 12:10

    Hi Joe,

    I have not had success with the copy paste from the Ultrix Database to Excel.

    I'm in Destinations, Select All, all cells turn blue, Control C, but nothing is copied to the clipboard to paste in Excel.

    "Copy" in the Edit menu in dashboard is grayed out so I can't copy that way.

    What am I missing or doing wrong?


    Paul W

    Paul Whitfield

  • 8.  RE: ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 11-03-2024 14:22

    Hi Paul,

    What version of Ultrix and dashboard are you using. I can run some tests.

    Also if you can upgrade your system to Version 6.0 or later you will find that we have implimented an Excel impurt export function for both the destinations and sources tab.

    If you send an Email to support they can help you out with the upgrade. 

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 9.  RE: ULTRIX Backup

    Posted 11-04-2024 18:03

    Ok, I figured it out. 

    Ultrix 5.6.3 and Dashboard 9.10.0  on Mac OS 13

    I have to use the Windows shortcut keys combinations to "select all" and "copy" in Dashboard. And then use the Mac shortcut keys to paste in Excel.

    And it appears the Windows shortcut keys for "select all" and "copy" are the only ways to achieve it.  The edit menu in the bottom left pop up menu has no effect for "copy."

    Paul Whitfield