I had a remote Session with Kevin Anderson and he was able to remove the lock.
Intersting was, that only Audio 4 of Destination 12 was locked.
Thats why it worked with companion as it was just not switching this Level. After Deselecting Audio 4 I could also switch with the softpanel in Dashboard.
So I still don't know what caused the lock...
But now it is fine!
Thanks for you help!
Joel Kienapfel
Original Message:
Sent: 05-23-2024 12:23
From: Mike Pomerleau
Subject: Ultrix - Can't unlock Destination
Which destination ID is locked?
we can probably write a manual command that you send to the Ultrix to unlock the destination.
Mike Pomerleau
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 05-23-2024 03:59
From: Joel Kienapfel
Subject: Ultrix - Can't unlock Destination
I think it is actually the SW-P-08 connection to Companion that I once tested.
At least I can change the source for this Destination from Companion.
Do you know how the command should look like to unlook a destination over the SW08 protocol?
Joel Kienapfel
Original Message:
Sent: 05-22-2024 16:35
From: Mike Pomerleau
Subject: Ultrix - Can't unlock Destination
Hi Joel,
Normally I would say that you can create a new control panel with the ID that is being used to lock the destination. However 8192 sounds like it is an external control system that caused the lock (probably via probel SW08 or GVG native protocol)
I dont think that our Dashboard panel creator allows you to go higher than panel ID 1990.
The best thing to do would be to send an email to support so that we can remote in and take a look.
Mike Pomerleau
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 05-22-2024 13:59
From: Joel Kienapfel
Subject: Ultrix - Can't unlock Destination
I'm working with a Ultrix FR2 and one of the Destinations got locked by a Panel with the ID 8192.
I don't know how or when this happend.
The System has only SoftPanels but none has this ID.
Is there any other way to unlock this Destination?
Joel Kienapfel