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  • 1.  Ultrix Carbonite - ClipPlayer time remaining overlay/output?

    Posted 06-21-2024 18:00

    I am trying to move away from a Sony XDS-1000 DDR video player/recorder and trying to use the internal clip player for video playback.   All is working well except I have not found a way to have a CHR output/overlay that shows the clock/time remaining output of the clip.   I see it in the Dashboard view, but, is where a way to see it as an output of the Carbonite?

    Darryl Quinn
    Video Director
    Woodlands Church

  • 2.  RE: Ultrix Carbonite - ClipPlayer time remaining overlay/output?

    Posted 07-07-2024 12:35

    ok.   follow-up question....

    Can I edit the Internal Clip Player panel in Dashboard (under Live Assist) to make the elapsed/remaining time boxes larger?

    Custom panel perhaps and drag-and-drop the controls?   (not sure since this is a built-in panel that Live Assist is tied to)

    Darryl Quinn
    Video Director
    Woodlands Church

  • 3.  RE: Ultrix Carbonite - ClipPlayer time remaining overlay/output?

    Posted 07-08-2024 12:03

    I have added to our request tracking that we put an option for the Clip Player time to be available to the MV Clocks timers.  And that in DashBoard we make it much larger and accessible to custom panels.

    Les O'Reilly
    Director - Switcher Product Management