Hi Mike,
Had some issues first when the license was locked. at the end a reboot helped and also a local instance of dashboard in stead of VPN.
I have a connection now, i see on the RX part some commands already:
68:{"slot":0,"payload":{"oid":"0x212","value":"ENET 1"},"type":"value"},
most time and network updates.
but i try to put the payload in but nothing is happening. if i see it correctly, the value needs to be 0 or 1 depending on activate or deactivate, and slot and input depending on what i need.
if i want port 1 slot 1 enabled i need to do:
and if i want it disabled i need to do:
is this a correct way still?
Kind Regards,
Original Message:
Sent: 06-27-2024 17:10
From: Mike Pomerleau
Subject: Ultrix Ultrisync remote controlable
Hi Rick,
one of my colegues, Milos, found the solution.
Send text string below to port 5254 of the ultrix frame.
You can adjust the Slot and Port numbers to match the framesync you want to activate/deactivate.
Hope this helps!
Mike Pomerleau
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 06-27-2024 10:04
From: Mike Pomerleau
Subject: Ultrix Ultrisync remote controlable
Hi Rick,
This is a great question.
Give me a couple days to look into this. I have some ideas.
Mike Pomerleau
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 06-26-2024 14:15
From: Rick Verwaal
Subject: Ultrix Ultrisync remote controlable
Hi all,
I'm wondering if it is possible somehow ( scripting etc ) to control the ultrisync from outside dashboard with web or udp commands or something else.
We have Cerebrum running so its preffered in that system but i can get it working if there is some programming in between.
unfortunatly i'm not able to find some information about this.
Is it possible, and how do get this working?
Kind Regards,