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  • 1.  Unable to load set into simulator

    Posted 06-22-2024 21:52

    I have a couple sets from different shows on my thumb drive and on my desktop. I would like to see how things are built by loading it into the frame simulator Carbonite Black Sim Inside my DashBoard in the Frame, I've gone to Configuration -> System -> Load Sets. Under the "Import Set to Frame" I have found the set I'd like to load. For some reason I cannot select the folder and click "Open". I have found that if I type the name of the set, in my scenario, set9, into the bar I can click "Open". When I do that I get the message "Failed!". The location it is failing to import from is - file:/D:/set9.tar

    Does anyone know how I can load a set successfully? 


    Des Rocks

  • 2.  RE: Unable to load set into simulator

    Posted 06-25-2024 10:42


    When using the Import and Export feature the Linux system will wrap them up into a single Achieve with the .tar extension on it.  WinRAR can open and extract this type but it does not offer to achieve to it.  7-Zip is an open source utility that you can download for windows or linux to use.  you would take your Set that you have on the usb and at that folder level you will "achieve it".

    This will bring up the UI for the utility.  Give it the name you would like to see as the File Set in the Switcher.  So even if you were to have saved it on the USB to Set9 this is the opportunity to give it a new name like  -- HSBBall2024 -- which is what the folder will look like when transferred into the next frame.  Set the Format box to tar and then Press Okay.

    (Note: you can also take an exported set that is this .tar achieve like  --  set9.tar -- just rename the file to BBall.tar which will add it to it's own directory when imported.  So quick way to pull off a Set to a computer via DashBoard give it a name then re-import it to switcher).

    Now use the Import Button and look for the Files Set that was just made:

    That should get you your file sets loaded into a System or Simulator.

    Les O'Reilly
    Director - Switcher Product Management

  • 3.  RE: Unable to load set into simulator

    Posted 06-26-2024 03:29

    I followed your instructions and was able to load the show. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

    Des Roc