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  • 1.  use hot key to tell looping video to play to end

    Posted 08-05-2024 00:25

    Hello Wizards, I have a video clip which has in/loop/out animation points. So producer would like me to to have it animate in and then 3-point loop; which I have created(manually on the scene director using an event to jump to loop in frame); then at a moments notice he will tell me to play the out animation; which means to simply have it stop looping and to play all the way to the end.

    I have searched thru the community board... Is there a way to simply turn "off" the event marker on the scene director, thereby allowing the animation to play til the end of the clip (animate out).

    or is there a way to have a script grab the current Frame number of the scene director and have it play from that specific frame number til the end? Thereby over riding the Scene Director loop event?

    Thank you.


    dim scene as XPScene

    dim QUAD as xpBaseObject

    dim SD as xpSceneDirector

    dim POS as integer


    'I need to get the current playing frame of the scene director

    scene.GetSceneDirectorByName("SceneDirector1", SD)

    SD.GetSceneDirector.Position(SD, POS)


    'Play the scene director from the current position to the end of the clip

    SD.PlayRange(POS, SD.duration)


    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


    Steve Szeszycki
    XPresssion Operator
    Los Angeles United States

  • 2.  RE: use hot key to tell looping video to play to end

    Posted 08-05-2024 06:55

    Put the event on its own track and then disable the track. 

    Dim scenedir As xpSceneDirector

    Dim track As xpSceneDirectorTrack


    Self.GetSceneDirectorByName("SceneDirector1",scene dir)



    track.Enabled = false


    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: use hot key to tell looping video to play to end

    Posted 08-05-2024 22:17

    Thanks Simon, can't wait to try it out.


    Steve Szeszycki
    XPresssion Operator
    Los Angeles United States

  • 4.  RE: use hot key to tell looping video to play to end

    Posted 08-07-2024 18:04
      |   view attached

    Simon, thanks again for your help. Unfortunately it does not seem to work for me. I placed it in a hot key on the keyboard map. Compiled it and got the attached error message.

    It's wanting me to declare "self"

    When I tried to declare it as a variable

    dim self as XPScene

    The script compiled successfully but did not seem to work.

    Not quite sure what I am doing wrong.

    (I forgot to mention that I am on XPression v11.5 build 5816 (64 bit))

    Steve Szeszycki
    XPresssion Operator
    Los Angeles United States

  • 5.  RE: use hot key to tell looping video to play to end

    Posted 08-07-2024 18:27

    What I gave you is writen for online.

    On keypress you need to go get the scene from the FB etc. 

    dim channel as xpOutputFrameBuffer

    dim self as xpScene


    channel.GetSceneOnLayer(0, template)

    Simon Redmile
    Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
    Ross Video
    Bristol United Kingdom