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  • 1.  Using a CORIOmaster Mini C3 System With Ultrix For Use In Overdrive

    Posted 07-24-2024 18:36

    I have two large LCD walls for use in newscasts. I'm trying to make these walls function other than being backdrops behind the talent, i.e, we'd like to integrate our Xpression graphics and other sources to these walls for a more interesting broadcast. Mainly in a breaking news or weather event situation where we may be on-air for hours.

    There is a long 3 Output panel wall behind the desk, and a smaller single output panel to the side. These are setup through a CORIOmaster Mini C3-510. 
    The Corio is operational and we have presets setup in CORIOgrapher that work for different graphic scenarios.
    All of our sources are assigned and functional as well. We can feed whatever we want into any of the setups using our AUX sources.

    I've noticed that in our UltricoreBCS Destinations Database the walls have several destinations designated.

    For the Long Wall They are labeled:
    Corio Full
    Corio Left
    Corio Right
    When we use commands in overdrive the default destination for the Long Wall is Corio Full, unless we are using the screen split into three. The Corio itself creates the windows that the sources feed into. The wall has to be sectioned into three output slots because of it's size. 
    We don't have problems with this wall.

    For the Smaller Side wall they are labeled:
    BAM Full
    BAM TR (top right)
    BAM BR (bottom right)
    BAM BL (bottom left)

    When we set up commands in overdrive for the small wall (or BAM), we designate what section of the BAM is the destination (top right, left, etc.). The destinations in Ultrix are set up incorrectly where the labeled "TR" feeds into "BR" and vice versa. We also don't have an option for a Top Left box. 
    From what I understand, we would only need one destination to assign to because the screen uses only one output slot and the Corio would split the sources into the preset windows anyway.

    Question #1: Do we need the single output wall to be sectioned off into separate destinations in Ultrix when the Corio can separate the screen itself like in our larger wall?

    #2: If we do need to section it, how do we reconfigure this output into the four sections + fullscreen in their correct places in the Ultrix destinations to then use in our custom controls?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    S Howard

  • 2.  RE: Using a CORIOmaster Mini C3 System With Ultrix For Use In Overdrive

    Posted 07-25-2024 14:28


    Thanks for your quesion.

    Without seeing your Ultricore BCS database and its port assignments is is very difficult for me to pinpoint where the issue may be. 

    If possible I would start by using an Ultrix control panel to verify that the labled outputs are indeed correct. If they are not, then you could rename them in the database. Make sure that you note the ID number of the destination as it may be usefull to you.

    A call to technical support may be needed so that we can log into your system and look at the overall configuration. 

    Mike Pomerleau
    Ross Video

  • 3.  RE: Using a CORIOmaster Mini C3 System With Ultrix For Use In Overdrive

    Posted 07-26-2024 09:36

    Thanks, Mike.

    I went through the Default Soft Panel and I believe that the Crosspoints aren't set up correctly. They are all over the place.

    We can set a time to make the changes and test our rundowns to see if there are any hiccups, but we are afraid that It will cause massive problems down the line.

    Do you have any ideas about the best way to reassign these without causing the most problems throughout the system? 

    S Howard