you can't use published fields but they can be connected to datalinq and not published.
You can then use the +n technique to have to move through the data fields.
I also discussed a work around using scripting in this thread where I shared sample project of using published field in this thread just today.
Original Message:
Sent: 10-03-2023 11:06
From: Bryan Block
Subject: Using masks with sequencer-based roll/crawl groups
Oh - that's interesting. I hadn't seen any examples of how to use scene groups *and* use publish fields. I did see some discussion of how fields in a scene group were not exposed to the Take Inspector.
Can you share the way to set this up? Thank you!
Original Message:
Sent: 10/3/2023 10:53:00 AM
From: Simon Redmile
Subject: RE: Using masks with sequencer-based roll/crawl groups
I don't think this works with sequencer groups.
Scene Groups are actually better for datalinq driven graphics in my experience.
Simon Redmile
Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
Ross Video
Bristol United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 10-03-2023 10:38
From: Bryan Block
Subject: Using masks with sequencer-based roll/crawl groups
Does the parent/child relationship exist in a sequencer group also, and if so, how is it set up? I don't think you can use Scene Groups when your data scenes are Datalinq-driven – unless I'm wrong, but I haven't seen anyone do this or talk about it in the forums.
Original Message:
Sent: 10/3/2023 4:28:00 AM
From: Simon Redmile
Subject: RE: Using masks with sequencer-based roll/crawl groups
Hey Bryan,
If you have masks in the parent scene on a higher Z value than the text in a child scene it will mask them, however it won't do that if they are in a layer object.
Simon Redmile
Senior Graphic Programmer & Designer
Ross Video
Bristol United Kingdom
Original Message:
Sent: 10-03-2023 02:10
From: Bryan Block
Subject: Using masks with sequencer-based roll/crawl groups
Hi, all.
What we want to do is create a DataLinq-driven roll with feather/gradient masks to fade text in at the bottom and out on top. I've seen Simon's video (QT133) about us