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  • 1.  View datalinq values in Xpression Sequencer or Dashboard live

    Posted 10-09-2024 12:31

    Hi, I have some data values from Datalinq that I would like an operator to be able to see live without them being online. I would like the operator to be able to view them either in the xpression sequencer or hooked up to ross dashboard. I know that it is possible to click on a scene and see the related data values, but I am looking for an area or part of the screen I can simply hook up to this data value and it doesn't go away as production goes on.

    Anyone have any ideas?

    Nathaniel Hay

  • 2.  RE: View datalinq values in Xpression Sequencer or Dashboard live

    Posted 10-10-2024 09:51


    You could create a scene that has text boxes bound to the Datalinq values you want to display, then create a Virtual Output and put that scene to line on that output.

    Alternatively, have text boxes with the alpha turned off on the render tab, and you can then have that scene online all the time, and those text boxes won't get keyed on - assuming your doing lower thirds!


    Simon Latus
    Simon Latus Media Ltd
    United Kingdom

  • 3.  RE: View datalinq values in Xpression Sequencer or Dashboard live

    Posted 10-10-2024 09:52
    Off the top of my head, the simplest solution I can think of is to create a virtual frame buffer, create a scene that has this data live update on output and then put the scene on that virtual FB. You can set that virtual FB to always be on top or have the op size and place it somewhere convenient on their screen.