Hi Andrew,
I use a bunch of Custom Controls as well and I don't use the shot box because it's a reach for me. I put Custom Contols on the ME PP User Defined buttons. That way I have 23 of them right where my hands are. Here you can see ones with names, used to recall Xpression lower 3rds. I use a different CC Bank for each show, each configured for the needs of that show but all right where my hands are.
[Danny] [Skarka] Ross Pilot since Synergy
[Producer, Director, Technical Director]
Original Message:
Sent: 03-27-2024 10:54
From: Andrew Marchand
Subject: View More than the first 15 Custom Controls on Touch Drive
I'm currently working with a Ross Carbonite Ultra and a TD2 Touch Drive system.
With the productions we have, I need to use a lot of custom controls. The problem is I really do not want to use the Shot Box if I can avoid it and unfortunately I'm only able to see the first 15 Custom Controls on the Touch Drive.
Is there any way to page down to the next 15 Custom Controls in the list or is it a limitation of the TD2?
Barring that, can anybody recommend a good desk mount for the display? Lol.
Andrew Marchand
Live Broadcast Engineer