I spoke to technical support this morning and i recieved the following. Once I get more information Ill pass it along.
Walkabout uses multicast address, and port 5000 (UDP).
Most switches will flood multicast messages as broadcast unless they have been configured to understand multicast (IGMP snooping).
The clients don't need to be in the same IP address scheme (that's the reason behind using multicast); however, having any router or gateway between the Ross Device and the client will most likely cause walkabout to fail (as most WIFI systems are configured to run behind their own gateway).
Mike Pomerleau
Ross Video
Original Message:
Sent: 04-20-2024 15:23
From: Paul Whitfield
Subject: Walkabout not discovering devices
I sometimes have the same issue. I'm running dashboard 9.9 on Mac OS 14 and I should see 6 devices. I haven't changed anything since I last saw them but now nothing shows up. They are there in Dashboard.
Paul Whitfield
Original Message:
Sent: 04-03-2024 06:35
From: Dominic Reichelt
Subject: Walkabout not discovering devices
So I had a small issue with walkabout, which has been around for while for me. Maybe someone here has a idea.
Walkabout in Dashboard should list all compatible devices connected to the network, for me it doesn't.
Currently I'm working with an Ultrix FR2 (NS) in the same Network as me, it's pingable and I can add the device via manual connection in Dashboard, which also works fine then. But it is inconvenient not being able to use Walkabout.
I've tried reinstalling Dashboard and adding it to the Firewall exceptions (since Windows 11 doesn't always automatically does that).
Maybe Walkabout uses a protocol or port which has to be allowed separately?
Kind regards
Dominic Reichelt
LOGIC media solutions GmbH