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  • 1.  XPression Tracking

    Posted 6 days ago


    I noticed that it's possible to retrieve tracking data from XPression using Lucid Track. I'm able to get the tracking data for the packets, and the exchange works fine. However, I'm getting the following error: "TRKDISTORTIONPROTOCOL". I haven't found any explanation for this error, so if anyone has encountered it before, I'd appreciate any information.

    For reference, the tracking protocol set up in Lucid Track is FreeD.

    I also have another question : once the tracking data is retrieved from XPression, how can we assign it to a camera in a scene ?

    I haven't found any documentation on this. I assume it involves using a Perspective Camera, but there's something I'm missing.

    If you have any tips or suggestions, I'd be grateful for your help.

    Thanks in advance !

    Alan LAMY
    Intégrateur graphique
    Paris France

  • 2.  RE: XPression Tracking

    Posted 5 days ago

    Do you have images of your setup in Lucid Track? 

    You have correctly setup the perspective camera to receive the tracking data from the camera tracker. 

    The camera in a scene assigned as the Global Tracker will receive tracking data from the camera trackers when the scene is online. 

    In the Camera tracking tab, the first camera tracker "ch # 1", will send its tracking data to any global tracker that is on XPression output channel 1. And so on, camera tracker "ch # 2" send data to ch 2 of XPression. 

  • 3.  RE: XPression Tracking

    Posted yesterday

    Thanks Garner,

    Yes, I was using an output that did not correspond to the tracking channel, I was not aware of this specific feature.

    Everything seems to be working correctly despite the persistent error message. I tested several settings on Lucid Track, sending the data to the XPression with or without optical calibration or unchecking certain parameters, but the message continues to pop up.

    For your information, the AW-UE 150 camera's tracking is retrieved in FreeD, and I've added its calibration file to Lucid Track. 

    Alan LAMY
    Intégrateur graphique
    Paris France