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  • 1.  Dashboard OSC Commands to High End Systems Hog4

    Posted 09-06-2019 20:32

    I'm trying to send OSC Commands to a Hog 4 PC. Through some reading it seems that Dashboard can do this with a Send UDP message. but I can't seem to figure out what I need to send. I have played with bit focus companion and can get this OSC message to work through it's app. /hog/playback/go/0/2. My end goal is to be able to trigger some lighting effects and other commands by Ross talk triggers from our switcher. I could go Midi as well but it seems like i would need some translation software. 



  • 2.  RE: Dashboard OSC Commands to High End Systems Hog4

    Posted 09-11-2019 17:02

    So with a friends help I was able to use BitFocus Companion to execute commands and read them in Packet Sender. I then took the Hex key out and used a UDP Bytes command in Dashboard and that appears to be working!



  • 3.  RE: Dashboard OSC Commands to High End Systems Hog4

    Ross Staff
    Posted 09-12-2019 13:31

    Hi Jeff

    We have an example panel that can send OSC integer or float messages - is this what you've already played with?


  • 4.  RE: Dashboard OSC Commands to High End Systems Hog4

    Posted 02-07-2024 12:36


    Do you have a link for that example panel? I am tinkering with some OSC commands and trying to control a Yamaha DM3. 

    Jeff Bins
    AV Production Supervisor
    Green Bay United States

  • 5.  RE: Dashboard OSC Commands to High End Systems Hog4

    Ross Staff
    Posted 02-08-2024 12:58

    Hi Jeff

    I believe we've posted this as the example panel before. it has an <api/> tag called "OSC Message Builder" with some pre-made functions for sending as int or float. String would be another possible data type but I do not have an example on-hand for that.

    <abs contexttype="opengear" style="">
             <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Host" oid="Host" type="STRING" value="localhost" widget="text"/>
             <param access="1" constraint="0.0;65535.0;0.0;65535.0;1" constrainttype="INT_STEP_RANGE" name="Port" oid="Port" precision="0" type="INT32" value="1234" widget="spinner"/>
             <param access="1" maxlength="0" name="Message" oid="Message" type="STRING" value="/playbackcontroller/paused " widget="text"/>
             <param access="1" constrainttype="INT_NULL" name="Value" oid="Value" precision="0" type="INT32" value="0" widget="default"/>
          <api id="OSC Message Builder" immediate="true">function createOSCMessage(cmd, val, isFloat)
          var messageBuilder = ogscript.createMessageBuilder();
          var len = cmd.length+1;
          var pad = (4 - len%4)%4;
          var cmdLen = len+pad; // must be integer multiple of 4
          //ogscript.debug ("length: " + len + " pad: " + pad + " = " + cmdLen);
          // put null terminator at end of command string
          messageBuilder.writeChar(0); // null terminator
          // pad end of command string with nulls
          for (var i=0; i&lt;pad; ++i) 
          // set the 4 bytes that identify the format
          if (isFloat)
          // tack on the value
          if (isFloat)
          return messageBuilder.toByteArray();
    function sendOSCMessageInt(ip, port, cmd, val)
       ogscript.sendUDPBytes(ip, port, createOSCMessage(cmd, val, false));
    function sendOSCMessageFloat(ip, port, cmd, val)
       ogscript.sendUDPBytes(ip, port, createOSCMessage(cmd, val, true));
          <listener autostart="true" listenport="1234" maxlength="1024" udp="true">
             <task tasktype="ogscript">if (event.isMessageEvent())
       var bytes = event.getBytes();
       writes the command
       writes the null terminator
       pads with nulls to reach multiple of 4
       writes the comma
       writes f or i
       writes 2 nulls
       writes the value
       var parser = ogscript.createMessageParser(bytes);
       var i = 0;
       while (i &lt; bytes.length)
          writes the command
          writes the null terminator
          pads with nulls to reach multiple of 4
          var cmd = "";
          while (i &lt; bytes.length)
             var b = parser.readByte(); //reading the next byte
             if (b != 0)
                cmd += String.fromCharCode(b); //getting the character from the byte
                while (i % 4 != 0)  //skipping until we have the command divisible by 4 (weirdness of OSC)
                   b = parser.readByte();
          //writes the comma
          var nextChar = String.fromCharCode(parser.readByte());
          if (nextChar != ',')
             return; //We don't have a valid message
          //check for float or int (f or i)
          nextChar = String.fromCharCode(parser.readByte()).toLowerCase();
          if (nextChar != 'f' &amp;&amp; nextChar != 'i')
             ogscript.debug("RETURNING EARLY: " + nextChar);
             return; //We don't have a valid message
          //writes 2 nulls (more OSC weirdness)
          var value = 0;
          if (nextChar == 'i')
             value = parser.readInt();
          else if (nextChar == 'f')
             value = parser.readFloat();
          ogscript.debug(cmd + "\nVALUE: " + value + " " + i + " " + bytes.length);
          if (cmd == 'THAT THING I WANT')
             //DO THE THING I WANT TO DO
       <table height="367" left="21" top="19" width="493">
             <label colspan="2" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Send OSC Command" rowspan="1" style="txt-align:center;bg#dark;size:Bigger;font:bold;" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0"/>
             <label colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Host: " rowspan="1" style="txt-align:east;" weighty="1.0"/>
             <param colspan="1" expand="true" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" oid="Host" rowspan="1" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0"/>
             <label colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Port: " rowspan="1" style="txt-align:east;" weighty="1.0"/>
             <param anchor="west" colspan="1" expand="true" fill="vertical" insets="2,2,2,2" oid="Port" rowspan="1" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0"/>
             <label colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Message: " rowspan="1" style="txt-align:east;" weighty="1.0"/>
             <param colspan="1" expand="true" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" oid="Message" rowspan="1" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0"/>
             <label colspan="1" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Value: " rowspan="1" style="txt-align:east;" weighty="1.0"/>
             <param anchor="west" colspan="1" expand="true" fill="vertical" insets="2,2,2,2" oid="Value" rowspan="1" weighty="1.0"/>
             <button buttontype="push" colspan="2" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Go! (Float)" rowspan="1" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0">
                <task tasktype="ogscript">/*! block id=1005,1001,1002,1003,1004 !*/
    sendOSCMessageFloat(params.getValue('Host', 0), params.getValue('Port', 0), params.getValue('Message', 0), params.getValue('Value', 0))
     &lt;block id="1005" type="function_sendOSCMessageFloat" x="283" y="10" w="243" ip="ID:1001" port="ID:1002" cmd="ID:1003" val="ID:1004" /&gt;
    &lt;block id="1001" type="param_Host (Host)[0]" x="10" y="10" w="243" SET="" /&gt;
    &lt;block id="1002" type="param_Port (Port)[0]" x="10" y="72" w="243" SET="" /&gt;
    &lt;block id="1003" type="param_Message (Message)[0]" x="10" y="134" w="243" SET="" /&gt;
    &lt;block id="1004" type="param_Value (Value)[0]" x="10" y="196" w="243" SET="" /&gt;
             <button buttontype="push" colspan="2" fill="both" insets="2,2,2,2" name="Go! (Int)" rowspan="1" weightx="1.0" weighty="1.0">
                <task tasktype="ogscript">/*! block id=1006,1001,1002,1003,1004 !*/
    sendOSCMessageInt(params.getValue('Host', 0), params.getValue('Port', 0), params.getValue('Message', 0), params.getValue('Value', 0))
     &lt;block id="1006" type="function_sendOSCMessageInt" x="283" y="10" w="243" ip="ID:1001" port="ID:1002" cmd="ID:1003" val="ID:1004" /&gt;
    &lt;block id="1001" type="param_Host (Host)[0]" x="10" y="10" w="243" SET="" /&gt;
    &lt;block id="1002" type="param_Port (Port)[0]" x="10" y="72" w="243" SET="" /&gt;
    &lt;block id="1003" type="param_Message (Message)[0]" x="10" y="134" w="243" SET="" /&gt;
    &lt;block id="1004" type="param_Value (Value)[0]" x="10" y="196" w="243" SET="" /&gt;

    James Peltzer
    Ross Video