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  • 1.  Glass panel effect

    Posted 02-25-2017 01:49
    Hello everyone,

    I'm trying to create a graphic in which I have a background with some animated text on it and where there are a few glass panels passing in front and which are showing a distorted image.

    I was just wondering how I could create this most effectively.

    I was personally thinking of making the base-scene where I have the background and the text animation on it. I would then turn it into a renderview.

    On a secondary scene I would then use the renderview as a background and I would add two LayerObjects in which I would put a Quad with another renderview of the same base scene in it, but with adjusted scaling and blurring applied to it. I would then have two masks move from left to right with an empty space in the middle which would then represent the glasspanel.

    Would this be the correct wy forward or is there some other magic trick I could use?

    Thank you,

  • 2.  RE: Glass panel effect

    Posted 02-27-2017 17:32
    It depends on how you want to distort the image. Have you tried using a cube and making it quite thin on the depth and playing with a refraction shader to see if you can get the blur effect that you want?

  • 3.  RE: Glass panel effect

    Posted 03-27-2017 13:33
    Thanks @redmile for the suggestion, however I've tried it but I can't quite get the desired effect.

    I also have to use the Gaussian Blur effect to get the amount of blur that I would like but that destroys the refraction...

    Is there a tutorial somewhere explaining the different settings and how to get the desired effect?

    Best regards,