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  • 1.  BMD VideoHub control through Dashboard

    Posted 09-10-2023 19:58
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    We have a BlackMagicDesign VideoHub to route different video sources to monitors in our studio and I was trying to set up a Dashboard custom panel as well as Custom Controls on our Carbonite TouchDrive switcher to control the VideoHub output routing.
    We are running a Carbonite TouchDrive switcher with Carbonite Black Plus software version and Dashboard version 9.5.3. And the VideoHub is a 20x20.
    I found an old example of a VideoHub custom panel for Dashboard and have made slight changes to get it to work with our setup (and I have attached a .txt version of that file), but it is still finicky (sometimes it will load only the input list, sometimes neither the input nor output lists).
    A bigger problem I am running into is that the custom panel works (mostly) on my PC's Dashboard but not on the switcher's Dashboard, and I am unsure of the cause.
    Likewise, I am unfamiliar with using TCP commands through RossTalk commands on the switcher and have been unsuccessful in trying to create Custom Controls that can change the VideoHub's output routing.
    I appreciate any help or advice.
    Thank you!

    Ethan Stump
    Director/Technical Director
    KSNF 16 TV


    VideoHub2.txt   20 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: BMD VideoHub control through Dashboard

    Posted 09-22-2023 15:00

    I'd be tempted to run Bitfocus Companion for  BMD router control instead.  (It is Free & Open Source.)

    In Dashboard, you could either make a panel with buttons that trigger Companion buttons, or just make a quick panel with a Browser window for the web buttons from Companion. Including buttons that trigger a CC on your switcher and change routing at the same time.

    David Krug
    Production Manager
    Open Signal: Portland Community Media Center
    Portland United States

  • 3.  RE: BMD VideoHub control through Dashboard

    Posted 09-26-2023 15:32

    Thank you for the suggestion!

    I haven't had much luck consistently controlling it remotely in other ways.

    Ethan Stump
    Director/Technical Director
    KSNF 16 TV